Ordinary Days
I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.
—John 15:5
Some of your days are full of action, adventure, and challenge. Other days are . . . well, ordinary. But don’t let yourself be bored. Choose to be thankful for quiet days, and then use them to spend extra time with Me.
Invite Me into your everyday tasks. Do everything as if you were doing it for Me . . . yes, even making the bed, finishing up your homework, and all the other ordinary stuff of life. And through it all, enjoy simply being in My company.
When you go through the activities of your day side-by-side with Me, My Life becomes woven together with yours. This means you and I are so closely connected that My own Life flows into you— and through you into the world around you. And that is the real secret of having a joy-filled life—even on ordinary days.