Sunday, July 18, 2021

5 BIBLICAL Money Secrets To Make You A MILLIONAIRE!

5 BIBLICAL Money Secrets To Make You A MILLIONAIRE!

I break down how to manage your money according to the Bible in 5 steps... #7FigureSquad

Saturday, July 17, 2021

10 Truths to Set You Free From Fear And Worry | Joseph Prince

10 Truths to Set You Free From Fear And Worry | Joseph Prince

Keep the faith!

Find yourself worried about the current situation? The lockdowns that have affected your job, local businesses, your ability to provide for your family? Wondering how you’re even going to make it through the rollercoaster that 2020 has turned out to be? 

While it seems the “new normal” is for fear and worry to riddle our hearts , we want you to know that that doesn’t have to be the case. Fear is NOT your new normal, child of God, and it cannot have a hold on you. 

We’ve put together a compilation of reminders that we believe will bless you. Allow God’s truth and His promises of peace to anchor you even in the midst of any challenging circumstances, fear or bad news that might be keeping you up at night with worry.  

Hit the SAVE๐Ÿ”– button to watch this, send it to someone who needs this NOW word via DM, and don’t forget to share the love by tagging three friends who need to hear this right now.

Life and Health | Joseph Prince | 2019

Life and Health | Joseph Prince | 2019

When Jesus died on the cross, He created provision for us. Through His blood, you are approved before God. Trust in His supernatural provision to heal and restore you!

๐Ÿ›ŽSubscribe now to the #LakewoodChurch channel for messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration:

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Release God’s Healing Power Through The Holy Communion | Joseph Prince

Release God’s Healing Power Through The Holy Communion | Joseph Prince

Over the past month, we’ve received numerous videos from all across the world as so many of you shared your moments of partaking of the Lord’s Supper together with your loved ones. A huge thank-you to ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ ๐ฅ๐จ๐›๐š๐ฅ ๐Ÿ๐š๐ฆ๐ข๐ฅ๐ฒ ๐Ÿ๐จ๐ซ ๐ฒ๐จ๐ฎ๐ซ ๐ฏ๐ข๐๐ž๐จ ๐ฌ๐ฎ๐›๐ฆ๐ข๐ฌ๐ฌ๐ข๐จ๐ง๐ฌ, ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ– ๐œ๐จ๐ฎ๐ง๐ญ๐ซ๐ข๐ž๐ฌ ๐š๐ซ๐ž ๐ซ๐ž๐ฉ๐ซ๐ž๐ฌ๐ž๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ ๐ข๐ง ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฏ๐ข๐๐ž๐จ! ❤️ We’ve loved seeing so many of you having your own holy moment with the Lord in your homes.

We believe that Jesus instituted such a simple way of receiving from Him through the holy Communion, and we would love for you to partake of the holy Communion together with Pastor Prince and our global family wherever you are, as we believe and agree together with you for the breakthroughs you are believing the Lord for.

Are you ready to partake together? ๐Ÿ˜Š

// Lyrics

Verse 1

Your blood, shed for me

My hope, eternity

Your grace, shown to me

Gives me life, and now I see


Your broken body is my healing

Your sinless blood gives my redemption

Your chosen suffering brings perfect life to me

Lord Your sacrifice has made me whole

Through the cross I am forever Yours

Verse 2

Your love, poured on me

With the oil of Your spirit

The anointing, breaking fear

I’m alive, I am free


This is a holy moment with You

I open my heart to all You wanna do

I still my soul to remember the cross

Where You took all my shame and restored all I lost

Where you took all my shame and restored all I lost

The Communion (CCLI #7147341)

Words and Music by Michael Davis

(copyright icon) 2020 Decibel Worship

CCLI License #11169105

The Truth That Unlocks Healing Miracles In Your Life | Joseph Prince

The Truth That Unlocks Healing Miracles In Your Life | Joseph Prince

This excerpt is from: Unleash His Resurrection Life (11 Jul 2021) Get the full message: Joseph Prince app - - Unleash God’s resurrection life and experience His healing and restorative power in every area of need! In this life-changing message by Joseph Prince, learn the key to releasing God’s divine power that will cause you to thrive in your health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships. Be transformed from the inside out when you discover how you can: • Let the resurrection life of Jesus flow into your body, thoughts, and emotions the more you lay hold of God’s gift of righteousness to you. • Stay protected from every disease and calamity in these last days and remain young, strong, and healthy—no matter your age. • Be set free from negative feelings of depression, bitterness, and pessimism, and enjoy flourishing relationships with your loved ones. • Confidently look forward to the blessed hope and receive comfort and encouragement in these last days. See your miracle spring forth from the inside out as you experience God’s resurrection life flowing through your spirit, soul, and body! Excerpt Summary: 0:00 A Recap On What Is The Spirit, Soul, And Body 1:13 The Spirit Is Life Because Of Righteousness! 3:04 God Wants You Healthy, Young, And Strong! 6:09 The Effects Of Setting Your Mind On The Spirit 8:21 Experience Healing From The Inside-Out 10:06 Pastor Prince Leads You In A Prayer For Healing 12:24 Give Me This Mountain—Now Available On Amazon Give Me This Mountain is now available in audiobook (read by Michael Davis) and eBook on Amazon! Get it on Amazon: Also available on the Joseph Prince app: Subscribe for free official sermon notes at: Download the Joseph Prince app at: Find us at: #josephprince #2021sermon #josephprincelatest

Friday, July 16, 2021

Joseph Prince Prophesied The Coronavirus In 2018

Joseph Prince Prophesied The Coronavirus In 2018

In his recent sermon on 16 Feb 2020 (Anointing Oil For Healing And Protection), Pastor Prince screened an excerpt from a sermon he preached on 19 August 2018 (Draw The Blood Line Of Protection) in which he prophesied a new strain of flu-like virus that was to come. He also shared how God has already released a new “strain” of healing among His people. The coronavirus is not from God but from the devil, who comes to steal, kill, and destroy (see John 10:10). This sermon excerpt assures us that we, God’s people, need not worry during these dangerous and uncertain times because God is always ahead of the devil. The devil plays catch up to God, not the other way around! While we exercise wisdom in carrying out our daily affairs, we can live fearless and confident in God’s protection, knowing that even if a thousand fall at our side and ten thousand at our right hand, it shall not come near us (see Ps. 91:7). Instead of allowing fear to dictate us, let’s continue to place our entire trust in the Lord and claim His powerful promises of protection found in Psalm 91. Draw The Blood Line Of Protection: Find us at: #josephprince #prophecy #psalm91



Keep seeking the truth because ALL TRUTHS LEADS TO JESUS CHRIST.

In this special interview with Daniel Kwak of @The Kwak Brothers, we go over how biblical principles played an integral part in his journey from 0 to 8 million dollars of Real Estate in just ONE YEAR. SUBSCRIBE TO THE KWAK BROTHERS HERE BUY THE KWAK BROTHERS BOOK HERE #7FigureSquad​ #RealEstate #TheKwakBrothers #BiblicalPrinciples

Proven Biblical Money Principles - Dave Ramsey

Proven Biblical Money Principles - Dave Ramsey

Notes: 1. LIVE ON A WRITTEN BUDGET For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it? Luke 14:28 2. AVOID DEBT The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender. Proverbs 22:7 3. FOSTER HIGH-QUALITY RELATIONSHIPS Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits. 1 Corinthians 15:33 4. SAVE AND INVEST In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil. Proverbs 21:20 5. BE INCREDIBLY GENEROUS ... for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Business Secrets from the Bible

Are you tired of your financial challenges?

Do you want a financial breakthrough so you can become a blessing to others too?

Become a steward of God's money and use it to advance His Kingdom while we

are here on earth?

Then we are in the same boat.

Honestly, I have been into a financial whirlwind, challenges lately because as a

freelance videographer , video producer, I ran out of clients and business to do

because of covid. But I say, I believe this is a wake-up call to call upon God 

Abba, Father to give us wisdom in how to deal with our finances.

It is time to claim boldly our blessings and declare that GOD IS OUR SOURCE

and not anything else in this world! Not our government, our relatives, parents or company.

So let us watch this together and learn from it,

We have a good good Father and His heart only wants to bless us abundantly. 

Do not give up! Do not lose hope.

We are in this together with Jesus in our lives!๐Ÿ’ช 

Friday, July 2, 2021

Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION! #HungryGeneration

 Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION!

Everyone needs to hear this. True Christianity is having the revelation of who Jesus is. 

 Sheesh, how about that truth bomb from Vlad Savchuk?! 

๐Ÿ”ฅ #hungrygen #sermon #religion #whoisJesus. #trueGospel
Christianity is NOT Relgiiong! It's REVELATION!


Christianity is NOT Religion!! It's REVELATION!

Religious church is not the one that has a different style of service.

Religion is what is left when the relationship with God is non-existence.

Religion can happen to Charismatics.

Religion can happen to catholics.

Religion can happen to Baptist.

Religion can happen to Arman (?), to Calvanist.

Religion can happen to anybody who loses a revelation of who God is.

Christianity is not a religion. Christianity is a Revelation!

Christianity is a revelation…Jesus told His disciples who the man says I Am?

And everybody start throwing different versions and then Jesus,

Peter says, “You are the Son of God!” 

And Jesus response to Peter, He didn’t say, “Well, Peter great job! You went to a right university.”

He said, “ Flesh and blood did not tell you this, Peter. It was my Father in Heaven who revealed that.”

That tells us that Christianity, the core of Christianity, you cannot be a Christian unless you have 

a revelation. 


A revelation of WHO JESUS IS.

You cannot know Jesus without a revelation.

And you can appear to be a Christian by joining a church.

And you can appear to be a Christian by being born in a Christian household

but the problem with religion is this — is religion doesn’t have a revelation.

And religion makes orphans. Revelation makes sons and daughters.

Revelation makes you into a son.

Revelation gives you an identity.

Religion deprives you of your identity.

And religion gives you an orphan spirit.

Religion is what you and I have…if wouldn’t have a revelation.

If wouldn’t have a revelation of who God is.

Prodigal son, the Bible says, he came from the field.

See, both sons were lost.

One was lost with harlots. The other one was lost in the field.

One son was lost in rebellion. The other one was lost in religion.

One son came back in repentance. The other one..the story ends

with him as not knowing that he ever came into the house or not.

He was in the fields but not in the house.

He worked for his father but he did not know his father.

Religion is man’s attempt to earn God’s gift of Salvation.

Man’s attempt to earn God’s gift of love and unconditional acceptance

such all religion is. It could be in Buddhism, it could even be in Christianity.

AS long as it’s about my efforts to reach God instead of God’s great, great gift 

to reach becomes religion.

Only Jesus and the Holy Spirit who reveals Jesus strips religion from us.

And gives us something instead of more’s called REVELATION.

And revelation, I’m not talking about that you learn about seven depths of hell 

or seven levels of spiritual realm or you now know where the demons came from,

where they Nephilim or fallen angels…

Revelation… I’m not talking about that you have some confusing mysterical, mysthical thing.

Revelation is when JESUS becomes real. When JESUS becomes REAL!

That would you knew you heard about becomes real.


Not just enlightened one. Not just the great teacher from Galilee. 

Not just the one who split the history But the One who was God

but became Man so that man can be with God.

Orphans-spirit thrives in the absence of revelation.

Christianity is a REVELATION.

My Life With Jesus...