Saturday, April 30, 2022

God Always Roots For The Underdog (Give Me This Mountain Audiobook) | Joseph Prince

Friend, are there things that have left you feeling disqualified from the life God has for you? Listen to this audio excerpt about Caleb’s origin story and begin to see how God’s grace can turn every one of your disqualifications into opportunities for His favor to work in your life!

Be blessed and share with us in the comments below about what part spoke to you the most!

This excerpt is taken from Base Camp 1, Day 3 (Caleb Came Out Of Nowhere) of Joseph's book, Give Me This Mountain—now available in eBook and audiobook on Amazon: #GiveMeThisMountainBook

Friday, April 29, 2022

God's Word Brings Miracles In Your Body, Mind, Soul, Home, & Relationships!

God's Word Brings Miracles In Your Body, Mind, Soul, Home, & Relationships!

Play these Scriptures day and night in your home and see how God brings His peace & presence and everything into alignment. SUBSCRIBE: To support or get more out of this ministry, check out the links & products below!


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with all my heart,

in Christ,

Barrett Bogan (SoakStream)

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

"What Is Jesus Doing Now?" with Pastor Rick Warren

"What Is Jesus Doing Now?" with Pastor Rick Warren

This weekend, on every continent on earth and in thousands of different languages, people are celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. But it doesn’t stop there—not only was Jesus resurrected, he is STILL alive! As Christians, we know this to be true, because we have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. This Easter weekend, instead of looking at what Jesus did, Pastor Rick is taking a look at what Jesus is currently doing in the world today.


Listen to Pastor Rick's daily Bible teaching and subscribe to his Daily Hope email devotional at 

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Saturday, April 23, 2022

How To Thrive In Every Season Of Life (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

In your Christian journey, you will discover judging Christians, Christians under law,

Christians under grace. And you know what, we are all broken Christians that need Jesus

as our Savior.

I almost gave up on Jesus because of some Christiand judging me of who I am..

but I can say, Jesus loves me so and He has kept me. and I believe He will keep until

He comes back.

My take is, you do not rely on some Christians on how you should take Jesus in your life,

You should rely on Jesus alone. Because Jesus' is made stronger through your weakness.

I know God-fearing Christians want the us who believe to be Holy in our ways and avoid sin.

That is good. But unfortunately, we cannot be..until we are still here on earth.

We get pissed, if we not we gossip unknowingly judging other people's lifestyle which is now Jesus want

from us to do. Jesus while He was here on earth, was kind and spent more of his days with tax collectors,  

sexually immoral people, sinful people. He said he came not to judge but to save the people!

How amazing truth is that.

I believe our main task as a Christian, is just to worship Jesus no matter what.

Trust His ways ...Trust His timings and let Him do all the work.,

Changing people inside out is not our job. Our job is just to spread the Gospel 

so people can be saved!

Jesus Broken Body for You

Existe un artículo científico sobre la muerte de Jesús, publicado en 1986 en una de las revistas científicas más prestigiosas del mundo - el JAMA, The Journal of the American Medical Association.

El artículo está titulado ′′On the Physical Death of Jesus Christ′′ (Sobre la muerte física de Jesucristo).

En él los autores demuestran que el proceso de azotamiento romano era terriblemente cruel. Se describen detalles técnicos, que junto con la narrativa bíblica, proporcionan un panorama completo de todo este proceso, desde el juicio hasta la muerte en la cruz.
Antes del juicio, se narra en Lucas 22 que Jesús estaba en profunda angustia y sudaba sangre. Aunque es un fenómeno raro, los médicos reconocen esta característica como hematidrosis, que puede ocurrir debido a altos niveles de estrés.

Después de ser juzgado, Jesús fue azotado violentamente con un látigo de cuero, con pequeñas bolas de hierro en las puntas y huesos puntiagudos. Las bolas de hierro causaban lesiones internas y los huesos destrozaban la carne, exponiendo la musculatura esquelética y causando gran pérdida de sangre, lo que probablemente lo dejó en un estado de prechoque.
Después de severa flagelación, Jesús fue burlado, escupido y obligado a cargar su propia cruz hasta el Gólgota.

Durante la crucifixión, el acusado era tirado sobre la cruz en el suelo, y clavado con clavos de hasta 18 cm de largo en las muñecas y los pies.
La crucifixión era un proceso que producía intenso dolor y causaba una muerte lenta y sofocante.

Respirar era algo extremadamente doloroso. A cada respiración, Jesús tenía que elevar la espalda en carne viva, arrastrándola en la madera y apoyando todo el peso en los pies, que estaban clavados. Dato que aumentaba la pérdida de sangre y causaba dolor terrible.

Las causas de la muerte por crucifixión podrían ser varias, pero las dos más comunes eran shock hipovolémico y asfixia por agotamiento.
Cuando el evangelio de Juan narra que después de la muerte de Jesús un soldado lo transpasó con la lanza y salió ′′ sangre y agua ", la explicación de los científicos es que el agua probablemente representaba fluido pleural y pericardio seroso y habría precedido al flujo de sangre y tendría menor volumen que la sangre. Tal vez en el escenario de hipovolemia y la insuficiencia cardíaca aguda, los derrames pleurales y pericárdicos podrían haberse desarrollado y haber sido añadidos al volumen de agua aparente.

Solo analizando el sufrimiento físico de Jesús, nos damos cuenta de lo terrible que debe haber sido soportar todo esto.
Estrés intenso, noche sin dormir, un juicio injusto, azotamiento inhumano, burlado y todavía tener que cargar su propio instrumento de muerte.

¡Pero aún MÁS!

Lo que ′′pesó ′′ sobre sus hombros fueron nuestros pecados. Isaías profetizó:
“Pero fue herido por nuestras transgresiones, y molido por nuestras iniquidades; el castigo que nos trae la paz estaba sobre él, y por sus pisaduras fuimos sanados.”
|Isaías 53:5|

Él fue el sacrificio. El cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo.
Solo el Dios que se hizo hombre podría reconciliar a los hombres con Dios.
Por eso decimos que el sacrificio fue por amor, pues Él no tenía pecado, nosotros sí. Si el pecado genera la muerte, quienes debimos morir eramos nosotros, no Él.
Así que toda tu podredumbre, todos tus malos pensamientos y acciones, toda tu revuelta contra Dios... todo esto estaba sobre los hombros Cristo.
¡Y él venció no sólo el pecado, sino también la muerte!

Cuando creas que tu vida es demasiado difícil, que nada funciona, mira esta foto y recuerda todo lo que Jesús pasó por amor a ti. El castigo que nos trae la paz estaba sobre ÉL.



Monday, April 18, 2022

There is nothing that separates you from God | Joseph Prince | Decibel Worship

There is nothing that separates you from God | Joseph Prince | Decibel Worship

Check out the teaching that inspired Decibel Worship’s latest single, “Tear Through The Veil”, in this special video. The truth of Jesus’ resurrection is your assurance that you are forever accepted, favored, and beloved in God’s eyes. There is nothing that can separate you from His love today. 

This clip is from: Joseph Prince—Access His Blessings By His Blood (15 Oct 2017)

Tear Through The Veil is available everywhere now: 

Spotify –

Apple Music –

Amazon Music –


You put a tear through the veil

That was keeping me from You

With a nail in Your hands,

Your love has broken through

By Your wounds we are healed

This is how mercy was revealed 

Perfect Lamb became the curse

The empty grave, the final word

How strong and how wide

How deep is Your faithful love

Unchanging, unceasing

Your work cannot be undone, no

There is nothing that could ever separate us (x4)

Words & Music by Michael Davis and Daniel Doss

CCLI: #7172541​


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Saturday, April 16, 2022

Joseph Prince - Rest In The Power Of His Resurrection Life - 31 Mar 2013

Joseph Prince - Rest In The Power Of His Resurrection Life - 31 Mar 2013

Joseph Prince - Rest In The Power Of His Resurrection Life - 31 Mar 13

God wants you to enjoy the full extent of His great power that is found in the resurrection life of Jesus! Hear this revelatory message by Joseph Prince to learn why God raised Jesus from the dead, and what it means for us as believers today. Get a fresh revelation of who you are in Christ—the very righteousness of God—simply because Jesus was raised, and understand how resting in this identity releases God's awesome, mighty power to reign in life. Rejoice! Because Jesus is alive and seated at the right hand of the Father today, your future is bright!

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Stay Strong And Healthy God’s Way (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

Stay Strong And Healthy God’s Way (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

In this Gospel Partner episode, learn biblical keys to overcoming sickness and becoming physically strong.

About Gospel Partner

Gospel Partner is an initiative to get the gospel of grace out to as many people as possible.

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About this episode

You are watching the sermon, Stay Strong And Healthy God’s Way, preached on Feb 20, 2022 by Joseph Prince. 

This full sermon was made free on YouTube because of the support of our gospel partners. Thank you for partnering with us!

Watch and discuss it with our community here:


0:00 In Today's Gospel Partner Episode...

0:36 A Gospel Partner Update From Joseph Prince

2:27 Introduction: Rest and receive the benefits of Jesus' finished work

10:08 02 God wants to give you power to stay strong and resilient

22:41 03 Receive daily strength when you feed on God's Word

30:16 04 How to live long and live strong

42:49 05 Receive the blessing of renewed youth through faith!

47:57 06 Don’t be subject to the natural effects of aging

55:47 07 Your body gets reinvigorated the more you see Jesus

1:00:02 08 Exchange your natural strength for His supernatural strength

1:05:10 09 Salvation prayer & Closing prayer

1:07:17 Join Us As A Gospel Partner!

Delve deeper into this sermon with our study notes:

If you are dealing with a health challenge, we are believing with you for your breakthrough, and we speak the Lord’s healing over you. As you stand in faith for your complete healing, be sure to practice both faith and wisdom. Be sure to consult a qualified medical practitioner or healthcare provider regarding your health status, and do not, on your own accord, disregard any professional medical advice or stop taking your medication. We are praying for you and look forward to hearing your praise report! 

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Friday, April 15, 2022

How To Walk In The Spirit | Joseph Prince

How To Walk In The Spirit | Joseph Prince

This excerpt is from: Inside-Out Transformation (2 May 2021)

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Want to see lasting transformation in your thoughts and emotions? Want to experience freedom from addictions, depression, and chronic illnesses? In this essential message by Joseph Prince, discover the life-transforming power of God that will cause you to walk in physical, mental, and emotional wholeness. Learn powerful keys that will help you:

• Reign over destructive habits and lifestyles for good when you walk in the overcoming life of the Spirit. 

• Receive healing and restoration for your body and mind when you believe and speak forth your righteousness in Christ.

• Break free from guilt and condemnation when you see how Jesus’ finished work has perfectly cleansed you from every sin.

• Walk in good success, safety, and total well-being when you are established in God’s gift of righteousness.

Let God’s gift of righteousness take root in your spirit and transform you from the inside-out! 


0:00​ Spirit, Soul, Body: What's The Difference?

2:54​ God Leads Us By Intuition

5:40​ Our Conscience Is Found In The Spirit

7:23​ Righteousness And Life Dwells In Our Spirit

8:50​ See True Transformation From The Inside-Out

11:29​ Set Your Mind On The Spirit!

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My Life With Jesus...