Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Friday, January 20, 2017

Guard What Enters Your Heart by Joseph Prince

Guard What Enters Your Heart by Joseph Prince

I’ve always said that right believing leads to right living. The opposite is also true: Wrong believing leads to wrong living. That’s why it’s so important what you believe or allow to enter into your heart.

It’s no wonder that the Book of Wisdom tells us to guard our hearts above all else, because what we allow to take root in our hearts will determine the course of our lives! If you’ve not been experiencing success in a certain area, check what you’ve been believing about that area or about yourself in relation to that area. Ask the Lord to reveal any erroneous belief to you and ask Him to help you replace it with the truth of His Word.

Beloved, fill your heart with only what’s pure and true from the Lord. Keep His words in the midst of your heart and uppermost in your mind. They will be life and health to your soul and entire body!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Get God's Medicine in you by Joseph Prince

Wow! So this is the secret of the Fountain of Youth!

Embrace it.

Get God’s Medicine In You
by Joseph Prince

One of my heroes from the 1800s is a man of faith called George Muller. With faith in God, he built five large orphanages and housed some 2,000 orphans annually. He never asked a soul for money, but brought every need before the Lord. He literally prayed in millions of dollars throughout his life to keep those orphanages going.

Muller did the Lord’s work tirelessly each day. At age 70, he even began a 17-year period of missionary travels and preached in almost 40 countries. He travelled more than 200,000 miles, an incredible achievement during pre-aviation times. At age 93, after being visited by two much younger friends, he later commented with gratefulness to God that he was much more energetic than them, with no aches or pains.

My friend, do you want to know what one of Muller’s secret to a long and healthy life was? It was his love of immersing himself in the Scriptures, and his life was a testimony of the constant recuperative power the Word exercised over or upon his whole being!

If your health has been poor lately, get into the Word. Ask the Lord to give you a renewed love for His Word. Saturate your heart and mind with His life-giving words each day. You can start by reading the healing miracles of Jesus. See His love and compassion for the sick, and His willingness to heal them. Write down a couple of healing scriptures and meditate on them, speaking them over your body and keeping them in the midst of your heart. Beloved, you will find that God’s Word is indeed life and health to your entire being!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

My Christian Diary EP#16: How To Find True Happiness

Everyone goes craczy just to get "happiness". Just to be happy.
Some will get it for the meantime and some unfortunately don't ever get a taste of it until they give up their lives.
I have learnt, being happy is temporary.
You get your most- desired shoes,gadgets or bags,cars or house , you will be happy.
But at the end of the day, you know you still want more.
Deep inside, something is poking you to find or search for more.

That is called the "void" in your heart.
And that void in your heart,
it's only Jesus who can fill and complete it.

When you find Jesus,
you will find true peace and joy.

And the rest will follow.

So, I urge you dear friend, stay close to Jesus.
Ask for His wisdom and He will lead you to it.

In Jesus, joy, peace are all wrap up together.

When you find joy,
you are the most richest person here on earth.

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

I Never Change- Jesus

I Never Change

Jesus Christ never changes!
He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

—Hebrews 13:8 (CEV)

Your heart and your mind are much like a radio. The kind of music you hear depends on the station you tune in to. When your heart and mind tune in to the world, you hear confusion. Everything is constantly changing—often for no reason. And it can leave you feeling anxious and afraid.

But when you choose to tune in to Me, you hear the beautiful music of My Peace. It soothes away the worries of this world. And it helps you know how safe and secure you are—because you’re Mine.

Unlike the world, I never change. You can always count on Me. Start your day by tuning in to Me. Listen quietly in My Presence. Then get up and begin your journey through the day, holding tightly to My hand. I will show you which way to go, and I will smooth out the path before you.


Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Joseph Prince - Redemption Truths That Bless Your Relationships - 27 Nov 16

Discover in God’s beautiful redemptive plan for man powerful keys that will transform your relationships! In this practical message, Joseph Prince reveals the real beauty behind God’s creation of the first man and woman, and how our glorious redemption was always preeminent to Him. See how Adam and Eve are a picture of Christ and His church, and learn from this original, divine model practical truths for a fulfilling and successful marriage and family life. You’ll discover simple but effective ways to build and bless your relationships as you allow H

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Trust God bro

Whatever it is that's making you stressed out.
Just pray.
Talk to Jesus about it.
Let go.

You have the power to do it.

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Heir Of The World Today By Joseph Prince

Heir Of The World Today
By Joseph Prince

Romans 4:13
13For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.

God promised Abraham that he would be the heir of the world. Now, don’t be too quick to say, “Well, that promise was made only to Abraham and not me.” The verse says, “For the promise that he would be the heir of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.” So the promise was not just made to Abraham, but to “his seed” as well, that is, you and I who belong to Christ — “And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” (Galatians 3:29)

Notice that God did not say that you would be the heir of the country you are living in, but heir of the world! The Greek word for “world” here is kosmos, which means the universe as well as the whole circle of earthly goods, endowments, advantages and pleasures. All these are yours to inherit through the righteousness of faith in Jesus and His finished work at the cross. This righteousness is given to you as a gift from God, so you don’t have to earn it through good works.

For God to fulfill His promise, He has to prosper you. You can’t be the heir of the world and be in lack or in debt! Not only that, He must keep you healthy because you can’t inherit the world when you are sick and always flat on your back.

Don’t listen to people who tell you that you will only get to enjoy these blessings when you get to heaven one fine day. Why would you need riches in heaven? There, even the streets are made of pure gold. (Revelation 21:21) And why would you need healing in heaven? There is no sickness there. So you need the health and provision in the here and now!

Beloved, God wants you to be the heir of the world today. So lay hold of your rich inheritance today. Jesus paid for it with His blood. Don’t push it all to the sweet by and by!

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Expect God’s Goodness And Abundance by Joseph Prince

Expect God’s Goodness And Abundance by Joseph Prince

Psalm 65:11
11You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.

The economic experts may have painted a gloomy picture for the year, but as far as God is concerned, He has crowned the year with His goodness and abundance! God’s supply and provision are never affected by world events, so good times or bad times, expect every month, every week and every day of this year to be surrounded by His goodness. Expect His abundance to meet your every need!

“But Pastor Prince, I’ve not done much good in the past year, so how can I be confident that God will provide for me this year?”

My friend, God doesn’t bless you because of what you have done. He blesses you because of what Jesus has done. At the cross, Jesus bore all your sins and was punished to the full for every one of them, so that you can have His righteousness as a gift and be blessed with every one of God’s blessings (Ephesians 1:3).

Now, look at the word “abundance” in Psalm 65:11. It is the Hebrew word deshen, which means “fatness”. The idea here is abundant provision, blessings and even fertility. (So if you have been believing God for a child for many years, believe that this is the year you will conceive!) Now, the word deshen has another meaning—“ashes”. Ash is the final form of something that has been burnt. For example, the animal sacrifices to God in the Old Testament were burnt on the altar until they became ashes (Leviticus 4:12). So ashes here speak of the finished work of Jesus at the cross that has put away your sins.

My friend, because of Jesus’ finished work you can confidently believe and declare that the year is crowned with goodness and that God’s paths drip with God’s provision, blessings and good success for you every step of the way. If the devil tells you that God won’t bless you because of your sins, just tell him, “ASHES!” and point him to the cross of Jesus!

Beloved, you are blessed not because of your good works, good looks, qualifications or industry experience, but because of Jesus’ finished work. He alone has qualified you to receive God’s goodness and abundance every day for the rest of your life!

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Meditate On His Love By Joseph Prince

And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.”
Matthew 8:20
Meditate On His Love
By Joseph Prince

I find what Jesus said in Matthew 8:20 so beautiful. Let me tell you why. In the original Greek text, the word “lay” is a very unique Greek word, klino. It is seldom used in the New Testament. The only other place it is used in terms of Jesus resting His head is at the cross. When Jesus hung on the cross and cried, “It is finished,” the Bible says that “He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost” (John 19:30, KJV). The word “bowed” here is the same Greek word klino.

My friend, it was only at the cross that the Son of Man finally found a place to rest His head. Jesus found His rest in redeeming you, in saving you. He found His rest in loving you.

So beloved, feed on Jesus’ love for you. Listen to sermons or sing songs about His love for you. You will be surprised at how strong it will make you. You will become more than a conqueror, not through your love for Him, but through Him who loves you (Romans 8:37)!

Awesome Jesus' Inspiration Quotes in here:

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Keep The Faith, Believers!

Keep the Faith , believers!
You are not a believer for nothing.
Believe that Jesus shall turn your current circumstance around ALL for your own good!


Sunday, July 10, 2016

There Is Just Something Special About You By Joseph Prince

Read this and feed your soul.
You see, in the midst of your trouble, instead of thinking too much or too hard about it...
And read something like this.
A Jesus-filled teaching that uplifts your spirit.
Just like what it's doing to me right now.
We are humans.
And that's the beauty about it.
We get scared and fearful that's why we need Jesus everyday, every moment of our daily lives.

He is your strength.

So whatever it is you are going through right now...

Keep feeding your faith.

It is way much better than being scared.


Thank You Jesus!

There Is Just Something Special About You
By Joseph Prince

Isaiah 60:1
1Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.

People might have said to you, “Why are you so lucky?” or “You seem to be looking younger and younger,” or “There is so much bad news these days, yet you seem untroubled by them.”

Now, the people of the world don’t have spiritual discernment. They can only go by your physical appearance, behavior and what happens to you. In other words, if they notice something different about you, it is because they see the evidence of God’s glory on your life — in your family and work life, health and finances.

Your friends and colleagues may have told you that you stand out from the rest as though a spotlight were on you. Indeed, this is so because of Christ in you, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27) When God’s glory rises upon you, your words carry weight, even if you are not eloquent. I should know. I stuttered and stammered right up into my teens. So when your words change people’s lives, you know that it is not you. It is the Lord!

You don’t have to be a straight-A student or someone able to speak the Queen’s English. You may be foul-mouthed like the disciple Peter, but when God changes you and His glory rises upon you, and you stand up and preach, 3,000 people get saved! (Acts 2:14–41) What is important is that God gives weight to what you say.

You might be a nobody like Joseph, a slave cast aside and forgotten in a dungeon. Yet, the greatest king on earth at that time sought Joseph out to have him interpret his dreams. In other words, God will give to you answers that the people of the world do not have.

Maybe it is your hands. When you lay hands on the sick, they recover. Maybe it is your ability to give counsel that is spot on, or your ability to speak into their future with a word of knowledge or word of wisdom from God.

“The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60:3) My friend, when you see this happening, it is because the people of the world are drawn to the glory of the Lord which has risen upon you!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Joseph Prince - What is Earnest Prayer to God? - 22 May 2011

Ever wondered if you are praying "hard" enough for God to hear and answer you? Does God want you to pray long, pleading prayers with your head between your aching knees? Join Joseph Prince in this most enlightening message on what God considers as earnest prayer. Get a fresh revelation of the love and goodness of the One you are praying to, and be encouraged to know that "big" problems are no problem for God to solve. This message will surely change the way you pray, and position you to receive your answer every time you pray!

Joseph Prince - Don't Fight—Feed! - 01 Jul 2007 - Classic Sermon

Joseph Prince - Don't Fight—Feed! - 01 Jul 2007 - Classic Sermon 



Monday, July 13, 2015

Joseph Prince - Hear Jesus Only And Be Uplifted - 11 May 14

Arise from despair into hope and faith when you give ear to Jesus alone. Join Joseph Prince as he ascends Mount Hermon and unveils revelatory truths about Jesus' transfiguration and what happened thereafter. Learn why listening only to Jesus' voice of grace and not the voice of the law lifts you up no matter what trouble or fears you are facing. Also, see how the only way to truly honor Jesus and live for His glory is to abide by His words of grace and love alone. Face life with God's favor when you hear only Jesus—the perfect Man who cannot fail you.

My Life With Jesus...