Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blessed With Good Success To Be A Blessing by Joseph Prince

The more you are attack with lies from the enemy,
the more negative things come filling up your mind and stressing you out...
Read more of this.
So you can still amidst all your problems and let God be god in your life!

will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.
Genesis 12:2
Blessed With Good Success To Be A Blessing by Joseph Prince

When God called Abraham, He said to him, “...I will bless you... and you shall be a blessing.” We who are new covenant believers in Christ are called the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:29), and like Abraham, we are called to be a blessing.

Now, how can we be a blessing if we are not blessed in the first place? How can we be a blessing to others when we are always flat on our backs with sickness, living from hand to mouth, never having enough for our own family and always having to borrow from others?

No way, my friend. God wants you healthy and strong, and He wants you to have more than enough financially so that you can be generous with your relatives, friends, community or anyone who needs help. He wants to bless you so that you can, like Abraham, be a blessing to many!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Friday, March 24, 2017

The King Is Not Angry With You By Joseph Prince

The King Is Not Angry With You
By Joseph Prince

Proverbs 19:12
12The king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

The Bible tells us that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) But have you ever wondered why he acts like a roaring lion?

It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the Bible, the roaring of a lion speaks of the king’s wrath — “The king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion”. So when the devil walks about like a roaring lion, he is trying to give you the impression that the King is angry with you. And when you believe that God is angry with you, the devil knows that he has got you.

When you think that God is angry or displeased with you, you will not be confident of His love toward you. Instead, you will expect and fear punishment from Him. And you will want to stay away from Him because you do not wish to incur His wrath any further.

But the truth is that God is not angry with you, even when you fail or blow it, because all your sins have already been judged in the body of His Son at the cross. As the Lamb of God, Jesus became your burnt offering. That is why He said, “I thirst.” (John 19:28)

Those who heard Him say that at Calvary that day thought that His thirst was physical. Actually, His thirst was spiritual because He was being “burnt” by the fire of God’s wrath. He was being judged for our sins. His body exhausted all of God’s wrath until every claim of God’s holiness was satisfied and His wrath appeased!

Now, there is a law called “the law of double jeopardy”, which states that the same crime cannot be tried twice. Today, the fire of God’s wrath will never fall on you as a believer because it has already fallen on His Son at the cross. He judged your sins then, but in the body of His Son.

So right now, you are not under the King’s wrath but His favour. And His favour rains down on you like dew on the grass every morning!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

God Wants You To Draw From Him By Joseph Prince

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
God Wants You To Draw From Him
By Joseph Prince

Did you know that giving to you actually brings joy to God’s heart? When you place a demand on Him—like look to Him to heal you—you let Him be God. When you draw from His fullness—His abundance of life, health and blessing—you delight Him!

When you come empty and draw from God, the One who has endless supply, you honor Him and let Him be God. You free Him to pour His abundant supply of health, wholeness and peace into your life! That’s why God wants you to come expectantly to Him for your healing and for every single one of your needs today.

So see Him ready to pour His abundance out for you. See Him rejoicing when you call upon Him. Meditate on and see His heart of love that always wants to give to you. Receive from His fullness and see your healing and answer to every need manifest!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

You Are Highly Favored Because Of Jesus! by Joseph Prince

to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1:6

You Are Highly Favored Because Of Jesus! by Joseph Prince

The Bible tells us that God has made us “accepted in the Beloved”. The Beloved here refers to Jesus and the word “accepted” means “given special honor” or “highly favored”.

So because you have received Jesus who is God’s Beloved, and you are found in Him, you are also God’s beloved son or daughter, deeply loved and highly favored by Him! Now, because you are highly favored by God in the Beloved, you can expect to have favor with your spouse, children, colleagues, clients and yes, even your in-laws! When you speak, people listen. When you step into a room, it lights up. Everything you touch is blessed and increased.

Beloved, as you meditate on how you are deeply loved and highly favored by your heavenly Father, expect good things to happen to you today. Expect divine protection because His favor surrounds you like a shield. Expect every need to be met by the One who highly favors you. Expect good, because you are precious in His eyes!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

God Can Turn Your Evil Day Into Good Days By Joseph Prince

God Can Turn Your Evil Day Into Good Days
By Joseph Prince

Esther 9:22
22 rest from their enemies... sorrow to joy... mourning to a holiday...

Today, many Jews still celebrate the feast of Purim. The name Purim is derived from “the lot” which a Gentile, Haman, cast concerning the fate of the Jews when they were in Persia under King Ahasuerus.

Haman, the villain in this story in the book of Esther, hated the Jews and sought to exterminate them. He got King Ahasuerus to allow him to issue a decree to annihilate all the Jews in one day — the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar. But God used Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai, both Jews, to turn the tables on Haman and save the Jews.

Haman was hanged on the very gallows that he had constructed for Mordecai! Then, the king allowed Queen Esther and Mordecai to issue a counter-decree to allow all the Jews to defend themselves and destroy their enemies in one day — the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar!

So instead of the Jews being exterminated on that fateful day, their enemies were destroyed! God turned an evil day for the Jews into good days. He turned their mourning into rejoicing and gave them victory over their enemies.

My friend, God can do the same for you today. He only wants you to remain in your position of rest in Christ. You see, because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross, you are seated in heavenly places in Christ, far above every principality, and evil assault the devil can throw at you. (Ephesians 2:6) Just as Mordecai sat within the king’s gate, and refused to stand up and bow to Haman, let’s not “bow” to the devil by being persuaded to move from our position of rest in Christ. Don’t allow him to get you worried, frantic and doing things to save yourself.

Queen Esther was also in a position of rest before Haman was executed. (Esther 7) She was seated on a couch as Haman pleaded with her for his life. While doing so, he accidentally fell over the couch where the queen was. The king, thinking that Haman was assaulting his queen, sent him to the gallows!

Beloved, remain at rest in Christ’s finished work, and He will turn your evil day into days of rejoicing and feasting!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Let God Love You Instead by Joseph Prince

Let God Love You Instead by Joseph Prince

1 John 4:10
10In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

“You have to love God more! You must have more passion for God!” You have probably heard this type of preaching and may have even tried your best to love God, only to fail miserably.

But what is the true definition of love? Let the Bible define it for us: “... this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us...” Yes, it is not about our love for Him, but His love for us!

“Pastor Prince, the Bible says that you must love God with all your heart, soul and strength!”

Yes, that is true according to the law (Deuteronomy 6:5), and even Jesus taught that as the great commandment when He walked on earth. (Matthew 22:37) But that was before He died on the cross. At the cross, He became the very fulfilment of this law for us when He loved us with all His heart, soul and strength, by laying down His body and life on the cross for us.

Today, we are no longer under the law but under grace. And grace tells us that God loves us, not that we love God. Yet, we will love Him when we see how much He loves us. The Bible says that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) That’s how much He loves us!

Beloved, God has seen you trying your best to love Him. And because He loves you, He wants you to sit down and be still, and let Him love you instead. He wants to love you with all that He is and all that He has. He loves you unconditionally regardless of who you are or what you have done because His love is not dependent on you but on Himself. He will never stop loving you.

So let God love you today. Don’t worry about loving Him. The more of His love you receive, the more you will fall in love with Him!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

My Life With Jesus...