Monday, April 27, 2015

Keep Praising Jesus

No matter how busy you are,
Keep praising the Lord for He is good.

While on your way to work,
just whisper "praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord 5x" until you will feel good in the morning.

Try it. It works for me:)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Ordinary Days

Ordinary Days

I am the vine; you are the branches.
If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

—John 15:5

Some of your days are full of action, adventure, and challenge. Other days are . . . well, ordinary. But don’t let yourself be bored. Choose to be thankful for quiet days, and then use them to spend extra time with Me.

Invite Me into your everyday tasks. Do everything as if you were doing it for Me . . . yes, even making the bed, finishing up your homework, and all the other ordinary stuff of life. And through it all, enjoy simply being in My company.

When you go through the activities of your day side-by-side with Me, My Life becomes woven together with yours. This means you and I are so closely connected that My own Life flows into you— and through you into the world around you. And that is the real secret of having a joy-filled life—even on ordinary days.


Friday, March 27, 2015

Faith Like A Child

I would like to share with you one of the best Jesus' preachers in the world. I consider her that way because her devotionals make me closer to Jesus.
Everytime I pause for awhile in the midst of my busy schedule , there she goes, pulling me back to Jesus again. And it's beautiful.

Everyday continue to growth your faith with Jesus. That's all you gotta do. Keep believing how much Jesus loves you so no matter what circumstances you are in right now.

Enjoy today's devotional from Sarah Young.

Like a Little Child

I tell you the truth. You must accept the kingdom of God as a little child accepts things, or you will never enter it.
—Mark 10:15 (ICB)

Sometimes you hear people say, “I wish you would grow up!” But I have a different message for you: “Keep trusting Me— like a little child.”

Small children trust Me so easily. They hear the song “Jesus Loves Me,” and they believe every single word, without question. But as you grow up, the world tries to pull you away from trusting Me. It wants you to trust money, or stuff, or just doing whatever feels right to you. Don’t give in to the world.

I have so much that I want to give you. I poured out My Life on the cross so that I could give you forgiveness and a home in heaven. And all I ask is that you trust Me—like a little child.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

You Have The Victory! by Joseph Prince

You Have The Victory! by Joseph Prince

Romans 8:37
37Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

If God’s Word says that we are more than conquerors through Christ, then we are. We are not going to become, we already are. We may be experiencing some failures or setbacks in life right now, but only good will come out of our situations because God says that “in all these things we are more than conquerors”. We have the victory!

You see, God has placed us in Christ, whom He has exalted to the highest place in the universe. We are not trying to get to victory ground. We are already on victory ground. We don’t confess God’s Word to get victory. We confess His Word because we already have the victory. We don’t fight for victory. We fight from victory.

The devil will try to steal our victory. He will come against us with lies and fears, and cause us to be conscious of our failures, weaknesses and symptoms in areas such as our health. But we are not trying to be healed. We are already healed because God’s Word declares that “by His stripes we are healed”. (Isaiah 53:5)

A sister in our church was seeing two psychiatrists. She had been under psychiatric care and medication for panic attacks for the most part of her life. She said that when she started coming to church and learning about Jesus, the truth of God’s Word began to dawn on her.

She started believing that victory over her condition was already hers and began confessing it. From then on, all her fears were removed and her panic attacks ceased. Today, she has a sound mind, is free from all medication and knows that her life is greatly blessed through Jesus who loves her.

My friend, the moment you accept Jesus as your Savior, you are born again and the new person inside you is more than a conqueror. You are already on victory ground and you have victory over every challenging situation in your life!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

When All Else Fails, The Blood Avails By Joseph Prince

And they overcame him [Satan] by the blood of the Lamb...
Revelation 12:11

When All Else Fails, The Blood Avails
By Joseph Prince

A precious lady from England wrote in to share how her daughter-in-law had conceived supernaturally after 10 years of trying. Her daughter-in-law had undergone at least seven in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, all without success.

But all this began to change when she read one of the devotionals in which I wrote, “what nine plagues could not do, the blood did.” I was talking about how none of the nine plagues that Moses brought upon the Egyptians caused Pharaoh to release the Israelite slaves, until they put the lamb’s blood—a picture of Jesus’ blood—on their doorposts. Then and only then were the Israelites finally released by Pharaoh—all because of the blood.

With a fresh revelation of Jesus’ shed blood, this lady began to pray for her son and daughter-in-law, speaking the blood over their situation. A few weeks later, her son called to say that his wife was pregnant! This lady wrote, “What six years of IVF could not do, the blood did. We were so thrilled to hear the news of the pregnancy after all these years.”

Beloved, Jesus’ blood shed for you is what overcomes the enemy and qualifies you for every one of God’s blessings today. No matter what has been said about your situation, put your faith in Jesus’ blood and see it availing for you!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

No ‘Buts’ In The Good News By Joseh Prince

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.

Ephesians 2:8

No ‘Buts’ In The Good News
By Joseh Prince

Imagine having a rich uncle who comes up to you one day and says, “I have really good news for you. I know you need a family car badly, so I bought you a really nice one!” Your jaw drops at the good news. But before you can thank him, he says, “It’s all yours...BUT you have to pay me monthly installments of $1,000 for it.”

Suddenly, what started out as “good news” doesn’t turn out to be good news after all. Why? Because it contains a big “BUT!” The “gift” isn’t genuine because it has a condition attached to it.

Sadly, this is how some people understand the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They’ve been told, “Yes, you are saved by God’s grace, BUT from now on, you have to make sure that you come to church, read your Bible, pray, serve, dress keep your salvation.” Like the car, salvation is not really a free gift—you have to merit it with “installments” of good works.

Beloved, good works are important, but they can’t save you. The only thing that can save you is the blood of Jesus. And when you put your faith in Jesus and His finished work, you were saved for all eternity, with no strings attached because grace is not grace if your works have any part to play in it (Romans 11:6)! That’s why the gospel of God’s grace is truly GOOD NEWS! And it is knowing and believing this that produces godly fruits of faith and righteousness in your life!

Monday, February 9, 2015

God Quote of the Day

This is so true. Because God doesn't and NeVeR lie!!

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My Life With Jesus...