Aside from Joseph Prince, let me share with another awesome and anointed Jesus preacher. Sarah Young. I have her mobile app "Jesus Calling For Kids" and all I can say is that, you must definitely have it. This is one of the ways of getting closer to Jesus. In here you will feel like Jesus is really talking to you, personally.
Sharing one His voice.
Be blessed.
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Listen to Me
Every morning he wakes me. He teaches me to listen like a student.
—Isaiah 50:4 (ICB)
I am always speaking to you, in the depths of your heart. But you must be still so that you can hear My Voice. I speak in the language of Love. My words fill you with Life and Peace, Joy and Hope. I am teaching you to listen to Me—like a student listening to the teacher.
I want to talk with all My children, but many of them are too busy to listen. This world prizes busyness. A lot of people go along with that mind-set, convinced that being still is a waste of time. Then they wonder why I feel so far away.
To live close to Me, you must put Me first. Seek Me before anything else—before chores, before school, before practice, before fun. When you seek Me first, I pour out My Peace and Joy on you. And My Glory shines in your life like the sun.