Saturday, October 31, 2015

How Tender Is God’s Heart Toward You by Joseph Prince

How Tender Is God’s Heart Toward You by Joseph Prince

Ephesians 2:7
7that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.

Have you ever blown things out of proportion and gotten angry with God when you were going through a trying time? This happened to Jesus’ disciples when a storm hit them hard. In their fear of drowning, they cried out to Jesus, who was getting some much-needed sleep in the boat, “Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?” (Mark 4:38)

For accusing Him of not caring, you would think that they received a rebuke from Jesus. But it was the wind which received His rebuke, and a great calm followed. (Mark 4:39) Because of His tenderness toward His own, Jesus did not waste time taking offence. Instead, He wasted no time taking care of the problem that had caused His disciples so much anxiety and fear.

This also happened to two sisters, Martha and Mary, who did not hesitate to let Jesus know how they felt when He finally showed up days after their brother Lazarus had died. Both sisters made the same remark to Him: “Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died.” (John 11:21, 32)

Both sisters had seen Jesus’ miracles of mercy and love. Now, in their grief, they focused on how He could have prevented their brother’s death, but did not. They did not know His heart — how tender it was toward them and how His help would never fail them, but would even extend to raising their dead brother. (John 11:41–44)

Beloved, your heavenly Father sees you trying to stay afloat when you are in the midst of a storm. He sees you trying to provide for yourself and your family, and thinking, “If I don’t take care of these things, no one else will!” And He wants you to know how tender His heart is toward you, how He is not offended by all the bad things you have ever said of or to Him. He wants you to know how much He wants to and will help and bless you. So let go and experience afresh the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward you!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Clothed With Jesus’ Robe Of Righteousness By Joseph Prince

Clothed With Jesus’ Robe Of Righteousness
By Joseph Prince

Leviticus 1:6
6And he shall skin the burnt offering and cut it into its pieces.

Do you know who first clothed man with coats of skin? It was God Almighty Himself, when He found Adam and Eve hiding behind the bushes because they were afraid of Him. They had become fearful and conscious that they had sinned against God. In their sin-consciousness, they realized that they were naked and that the glory of God, which had been their covering, was gone.

So God killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve with coats of skin. (Genesis 3:21) An animal had to die and its bloodied skin became their covering. This speaks of the blood of Jesus that covers you when He became your burnt offering. The Lamb of God did not just take away your sins. He also gave you His righteousness.

Beloved, you are covered by Jesus’ blood. You are righteous by His blood. God has clothed you with the robe of righteousness, which was paid for by Jesus’ blood. I am not talking about a physical robe made of cloth. I am talking about the robe of righteousness that was on Jesus when He said to the storm, “Peace, be still!” and there came a perfect calm (Matthew 8:23–27), when healing flowed from Him to the sick and when He raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:38–44)

When you believe that you are righteous because of Jesus’ blood, you will see the effects of wearing His robe of righteousness. You will see miracles happening before your very eyes. You become a blessing magnet, a favor or grace magnet. It is not your own righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus which you have put on, that is attracting all these blessings of God into your life.

My friend, have the consciousness of being clothed with Jesus’ robe of righteousness. Every day, come to God and say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is my burnt offering. He covers me from head to toe with His righteousness. What He is to You,I am.As He is now,so am I.I am in Him.”And you will see the manifestations of the blessings of health, wholeness, protection and provision that the robe attracts!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Forgive And Let God Do The Rest By Joseph Prince

Forgive And Let God Do The Rest
By Joseph Prince

Ephesians 4:32
32And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.

People like to say, “I can forgive, but I cannot forget.” Have you heard that before? Now, in the first place, nowhere in the Bible does God tell you to forgive and then to forget. It is not in the Bible! The devil is adding something here to make the whole thing burdensome.

God only tells us to forgive because God in Christ has forgiven us a debt we cannot pay. When we do this, we do ourselves a favor because harboring bitterness and unforgiveness can sometimes destroy our health!

So just forgive and let God take care of the rest. When you really forgive, sometimes, He makes you forget. But sometimes, you still remember the incident because it was a major thing in your life. Yet, when you look back at it, the pain is no more there. The sting is gone and you are not bitter.

Joseph had forgiven his brothers before they came and bowed before him. He remembered what they did to him, but he did not remember it with bitterness. (Genesis 50:15–21) So you may remember the incident, but the bitterness is gone because you have put the cross in the picture — “God in Christ forgave me. Daddy, I forgive you. Mama, I forgive you. My cousin, I forgive you.”

When you forgive, forgive by faith, not by your feelings. We walk by faith, not feelings. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Some people are waiting for feelings — “I am waiting, Father, for the right emotion to come on me to forgive that person.” That “right emotion” may never come!

No, forgive by faith, and do it once and for all. Spend time in prayer. Take out your diary and write it down: “Father, I bring this person before you. You know what he did to me. Father, as You forgave me through Jesus’ cross, even though I did not deserve it, by faith, I now forgive this person and I let my anger against him go in Jesus’ name. Amen!”

Once you forgive by faith, you will see the sting of bitterness removed from your heart. You will experience the peace and joy of God filling your mind, and see a greater measure of wholeness in your body

Thursday, October 22, 2015

See Yourself In Christ by Joseph Prince

Another blessing for the day!

See Yourself In Christ by Joseph Prince

Ephesians 1:3
3Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,

I remember going through a terrible time of depression when I was 18 years old. Believing that I was demon-possessed, I sought out a great man of God to have him cast the devil out of me. But when this man of God laid hands on me, he began to prophesy over me. He said, “Joe, I see you preaching to thousands and used by God to impact thousands of lives. Joe, you are called by God and the devil is attempting to stop you.”

“What? I came here for deliverance! I am only interested in saving my own life, not preaching nor impacting lives,” I thought to myself then.

You see, what happened was that at that moment, God allowed this man to step into the timeless zone He exists in to bring my future before me. As far as God was concerned, my future had already happened, though I was only 18 years old then. Today, I am a pastor of a church which has more than 30,000 members. Today, I am seeing what was told to me long ago.

God does not see as we see. Abraham was a childless, 100-year-old man. His wife, Sarah, at 90 years old, was doubly dead in her womb. (Genesis 17:17) Yet, God saw him and talked to him as if he were already the father of many nations.

My friend, God wants you to see the way He sees. Right now, you may see yourself going through a trial in your marriage, work, finances or health. But God sees a blessed marriage, success at work, supernatural provision and a healed body because He tells you that you are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.

You see, God sees you in Christ. So when you see yourself in Christ, who is outside time, you step into the timeless zone. In that timeless zone in Christ, whatever needs and trials of yours are already removed, repaired, restored or resurrected! In that timeless zone in Christ, you are already blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places!

God Is With You In Your Fiery Trial by Joseph Prince

God Is With You In Your Fiery Trial

When Daniel’s friends, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego, were cast into the fiery furnace by Nebuchadnezzar, guess who showed up? Jesus! He was there in the furnace with them to protect and deliver them. Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego came out of the fire totally unharmed—“the hair of their head was not singed nor were their garments affected, and the smell of fire was not on them” (Daniel 3:27)!

My friend, when you go through a fiery trial, the Lord is not somewhere far away, saying, “Yep, from the comfort of My heavenly throne, I can see what you are going through. Even though I’m not with you, I can see you, so just hang in there, okay?” No, He is right there with you in your trial. Not only that, He will protect you and deliver you. The Bible says that “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

So whatever the fiery trial you are going through today, God is right there with you. He will protect you, comfort you and make a way of escape for you. Put your hand in His hand and let Him bring you out of the “furnace” without even smelling of the smoke of your negative circumstances!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

A Table In The Presence Of Your Enemies by Joseph Prince

We are taking Holy Communion almost daily. Will post a blog about it and how to do it. We proclaim Lord's death and victory through Holy Communion. As days,months passed by, it also has restored our health and well-being. I recommend you do it in your household too.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Psalm 23:5–6

A Table In The Presence Of Your Enemies

Heartbroken and devastated when her 18-year-old daughter told her that she hated her and left home, a mother from Texas developed high blood pressure and started hemorrhaging badly.

One day, she tuned in to one of my broadcasts and heard me preach about Jesus’ finished work at Calvary. She got my series on the Holy Communion and took it every day as she looked to the Lord’s finished work to heal her body and restore her relationship with her daughter.

Six months later, this same mother wrote to tell me that she was healed of high blood pressure and no longer bleeding. God was also restoring her relationship with her daughter who had returned home. Today, she is taking Communion daily with her husband and children, and experiencing the blessed family life she had once only dreamed of.

Beloved, no matter how bad things may appear to be now, rest in Jesus’ finished work by coming to the Lord’s table, and receive your victory, restoration and wholeness!

Monday, October 19, 2015

You Are God’s Beloved by Joseph Prince

You Are God’s Beloved by Joseph Prince

Ephesians 1:6
6to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.

At the Jordan river, Jesus heard His Father say to Him, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:22) Later, in the wilderness, Jesus heard the devil say to Him, “If You are the Son of God...” (Luke 4:3)

Notice that the devil not only questioned Jesus’ sonship, but he also dropped the word “beloved” when he said to Jesus, “If You are the Son of God...” You see, the devil cannot remind you that you are God’s beloved because when you know this truth, whatever he wants to bring against you will not succeed!

Many girls are giving away their virginity because they need to feel wanted and loved. And young boys join gangs to feel accepted because they have been rejected and made to feel worthless by others.

But when you know that you are God’s beloved, no temptation can succeed against you, not even the “giants” who may taunt you. Consider David who slew Goliath. “David” in Hebrew means “beloved”. It takes a David to knock down a giant. In other words, it takes someone who knows that he is God’s beloved to win the fights of life!

You are God’s beloved not because of what you do. Christ did everything. He is God’s Beloved. But God put you in Christ. That is why you are “accepted in the Beloved”. And what God said to Jesus, He says to you today: “You are My beloved son. In you, I am well pleased.”

So if the devil tells you, “Hey, you call yourself ‘God’s beloved’ after what you just did?” have the assurance that it is not based on what you have done, but what Christ has done. And you are still God’s beloved because you are in Christ!

When you say that, I believe the devil screams in frustration because he has no power over you when you are conscious that you are God’s beloved. There is truly a place of safety when you know that you are His beloved.

My friend, we are not being proud when we call ourselves God’s beloved. How can we boast when we know that it is God’s grace that has made us accepted in the Beloved!

All That I Have Is Yours by Joseph Prince

‘All That I Have Is Yours’
By Joseph Prince

Luke 15:31
31... ‘Son, you are always with me, and all that I have is yours.

After running a few errands for his parents, a little boy went to his father and said,“I know why you and mummy had me.”“Why?”asked his father.

“So that you guys would have someone to run errands for you!” exclaimed the boy.

Like the little boy, do you see God as a Father who demands obedience and service from you? Have you ever felt that unless you obey Him and keep all His commandments, you don’t have a right to be blessed by Him?

Jesus shared the story of the prodigal son to show how some of us call God “Father” and yet don’t know His heart. There are two sons in this parable. We know what happened to the prodigal son, but we can also learn something about the older son. This is what he said to his father when he discovered that his father had thrown a party to celebrate the return of his irresponsible, spendthrift brother: “Lo, these many years I have been serving you; I never transgressed your commandment at any time; and yet you never gave me a young goat, that I might make merry with my friends.” (Luke 15:29)

Now, this son believed that his father had brought him into the world to serve him. He saw his father as someone issuing commandments to him all the time. And he saw himself as someone who had to obey those commandments to enjoy his inheritance. But the truth is that the father had already given him his inheritance. (Luke 15:12) The father even reminded him lovingly: “Son... all that I have is yours.” And I am sure that that inheritance included more than one goat!

Have you, like the older son, failed to understand your Father’s heart? Your heavenly Father already gave you a rich inheritance in Christ when you became His son. He wants you to know that you have received the Spirit of sonship. (Romans 8:15) So call out to Him, “Abba, Father!” and know how much He loves you. Because you are His heir, all that He has is yours to enjoy today!

God is not out to condemn you

I always love Joseph Prince teachings.
Because he always leads me back to Jesus.
Thank you Joseph Prince for your Jesus-centered teachings.
I know God is blessing you big time so you can reunite more souls
with God through Jesus.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

God Will Cause Your Gift To Prosper You by Joseph Prince

God Will Cause Your Gift To Promote You
By Joseph Prince

Proverbs 17:8
8A present is a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; wherever he turns, he prospers.

When we see something moldy, we throw it away. But when Alexander Fleming saw his culture dishes contaminated with mold, he discovered penicillin. You see, he had a gift which prospered him.

Joseph, a Hebrew slave in Egypt, had nothing except his gift of interpreting dreams. But look at what that gift did for him. It prospered him. He interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and became the most powerful man in Egypt after Pharaoh. (Genesis 41)

“But Pastor Prince, what if I don’t have any gift?”

My friend, don’t let anyone tell you that you don’t have any gift. God has given each person a gift which can open doors of opportunities and bring in great blessings.

Maybe you are just not aware of that gift you have inside you, or perhaps it has profited you nothing thus far as you have not found out how best to use it. You need to take your gift and ask God for wisdom to cultivate it until it becomes such a powerful tool or “precious stone” that wherever you turn, you prosper.

This was the case with a church brother who was tremendously gifted in the creative arts. For a long time, he lacked the confidence and boldness to leave the security of his police job and step out on his own. But when he began to seek God’s wisdom for his situation, God gave him boldness to leave his job and go back to school to pursue the creative arts. In school, he prospered, becoming one of its top students and impressing the principal so much with his creative gift that he was offered a teaching position in the school even before he graduated.

Now, please don’t go and quit your job after reading this. What you should do is ask God for wisdom regarding your gift. For when the wisdom of God is added to your gift, that gift becomes “a precious stone in the eyes of its possessor; wherever he turns, he prospers”.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Joint Heirs With Christ Jesus By Joseph Prince

Sometimes we wonder how much God loves us. We compare Him to our parents or loved ones. That if our attitude sucks or doesn't please Him, He will disown or get angry at us.

But no my friend,God is a loving god and He is no like other. He is full of mercies towards us. Everyday all He thinks is for Him to bless you. All you gotta do is just yo accept this truth.

Jesus has made this possible for us.

Next time, when you feel your attitude sucks, don't run away from God. Instead , go nearer to Him and experience His love.

And thank Jesus for His sacrifice.

Joint Heirs With Christ Jesus
By Joseph Prince

Romans 8:16–17
16The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17and if children, then heirs — heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ...

As long as you are born again, you are no longer a “slave”, but a son of the Most High God. And God does not just call you His son. He also calls you “an heir” through Christ. (Galatians 4:7) In fact, Romans 8:17 says that you are “joint heirs” with Christ.

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you inherit everything that He is. How precious Jesus is to the Father, is how precious you are to the Father. The way the Father loves Jesus, is the way the Father loves you!

How accepted are you by God today? Look at Jesus. That is how accepted you are! Christ is the measure of your acceptance. How favored are you by God? Look at Jesus, who is seated at the Father’s right hand. You enjoy that same favor today because whatever Christ enjoys, you enjoy!

As a joint heir with Christ Jesus, you also inherit all that He has obtained from the Father. How much Jesus has, is how much you have. How prosperous is the one who made all things, and who put the gold, silver and diamonds in the earth? So are you in this world! (1 John 4:17)

I used to read the Bible to find out how to be a successful and victorious Christian. But now, I read it to find out more about Jesus because I know that when I find Him, I find my every blessing in Him. (Ephesians 1:3, 2 Peter 1:3)

My friend, all that Jesus is in heaven today, you are in this world. All that belongs to Him belongs to you. That is why it is in your interest to know Him more, to see Him in all His glory and beauty. And because Jesus is so glorious, it will take you a lifetime to discover everything that He has done for you and has for you.

Beloved, you are an heir of the Most High God. You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus. So find out all the blessings that your rich inheritance includes and start walking in them today!

Joseph Prince - Rest In Jesus' Faith For Miracles - 11 Dec 11

Blessed Sunday everyone!

Do you blame yourself for not having enough faith for miracles? Are you frustrated with your wavering faith? Well, you don't have to anymore because you can rest in Jesus' faith that never wavers or fails! In this revelatory and encouraging message by Joseph Prince, see how it is not you, but Jesus, who always believes. Learn how you can simply latch your limited faith onto His perfect faith and see the miracle you need happen. Rest easy—Jesus has all the compassion and faith for any miracle. That's all you need to believe!

Joseph Prince - Keep Your Eyes On Jesus - 10 Jun 2012

What do you do when a storm comes blowing into your life? Keep your eyes on Jesus and walk above the storm! Join Joseph Prince in this uplifting message as he shows you the simplicity and power of keeping your eyes on Jesus. Learn from Bible names how beholding Jesus' beauty and love will drive out fear, cause you to ride effortlessly over the storm and transform you into His likeness. Begin to turn your eyes away from your circumstances and keep them fixed on the Son, and see Him do the impossible in and through you!

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Joseph Prince - Breaking Porn Addiction Through Grace - 29 May 2011

Addiction to pornography has destroyed countless lives and marriages, even in the church. What is at the root of this addiction, and how can this and all destructive addictions be truly broken once and for all? Joseph Prince tackles these questions head-on and shows from God's Word how only God's grace and gift of no condemnation can truly set one free. Listen to this life-changing message today, and allow God's grace to deliver, lead and empower you to experience victory over condemnation and every destructive habit in your life!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Joseph Prince - Calvary Animation Video (What Happened At The Cross)

I love this Calvary animation video. Always puts me in tears thinking of what has JESUS has done for you and me.
This demonstrates how much God loves us so and that He wants us back.

It's just amazing!

Be blessed.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Proclaim The Lord's Death

Proclaim The Lord’s Death
By Joseh Prince

1 Corinthians 11:26
26For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death till He comes.

In the Old Testament, whenever the children of Israel sacrificed a lamb for a burnt offering as they faced a strong enemy, victory was theirs. For example, in 1 Samuel 7:7–11, when the Philistines were coming against them, the prophet Samuel offered a lamb as a burnt offering. As it was being offered, the Lord came like a loud thunder on the Philistine army, confusing them. This led to victory for the Israelites.

Every time something bad happened to the children of Israel, by offering a lamb sacrifice, they were proclaiming the Lord’s death, and the battle would turn in their favor.

Today, when we are faced with an enemy, how do we offer our “burnt offering”? How do we proclaim the Lord’s death and come out victorious? Do we ask Jesus to come down to where we are at and die on the cross all over again?

Of course not. Jesus died once for all our sins — past, present and future. (Hebrews 10:12) His work is perfectly perfect and completely complete, so He doesn’t have to die for us again. Today, we proclaim His death simply by partaking of the Lord’s Supper.

Every time you partake of the bread and wine, you declare to the principalities and powers of darkness that the Lord’s death avails for you. Every time you partake, you are saying that because Jesus has been judged and punished in your place, you cannot be judged and punished. Because Jesus died young in your place, you will live long. And because He conquered death and stripped the devil of his powers, you will not be defeated. The victory is already yours!

That is why the psalmist David said, “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies...” (Psalm 23:5) The Lord’s table is prepared for you in the presence of your enemies because when you partake of the bread and wine, you will see your enemies tremble and scatter! Why? Because when you proclaim the Lord’s death through the Holy Communion, you are reminding the devil and his cohorts of their humiliating defeat at Calvary’s cross! (Colossians 2:15)

Joseph Prince - How To Pray Powerful Prayers - 16 Jun 13

Why pray if God knows all my needs? Must I pray long and hard before God hears and answers me? Does God answer "selfish" prayers? Find out the answers and more as Joseph Prince tackles these common questions about prayer and exposes erroneous beliefs that have hindered believers from experiencing powerful prayer lives. Let right believing take root as you see through the scriptures how much God wants you to turn to Him and ask Him to provide for and restore to you—no matter how impossible your situation. Hear this message to step into a prayer life full of faith, rest, power and miracles!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

No Persuasion Needed by Joseph Prince

He took him and healed him, and let him go.
Luke 14:4

No Persuasion Needed

Jesus was in the house of one of the rulers of the Pharisees to eat bread on the Sabbath, and He was being watched closely. Imagine being invited to someone’s home for dinner just so the host and his friends can scrutinize you and find fault with you!

Despite the unfavorable circumstances, nothing could stop the goodness in Jesus’ heart from manifesting. The Bible says that “there was a certain man before Him who had dropsy” (Luke 14:2). Jesus could not look at this sick man and just forget about him. He wanted to cure the man even though He knew that the people around Him were against it.

So Jesus spoke to the Pharisees saying, “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” The uncompassionate and legalistic Pharisees remained silent. I love what Jesus did next: “He took him and healed him, and let him go.” Straight to the point! Then, Jesus turned to the Pharisees and said, “Which of you, having a donkey or an ox that has fallen into a pit, will not immediately pull him out on the Sabbath day?” (Luke 14:5).

Look at the word “immediately”. To the Lord, a sick person is like one in a pit requiring immediate help. This is how the Lord sees people who are sick. He sees them as needing immediate attention.

My friend, if you are sick today, Jesus wants you well. He will not say, “Today is My rest day. Come back tomorrow.” No, His right hand is stretched out and ready to pull you out of the pit. He needs no persuasion. Reach out in faith and take hold of His loving, mighty hand!

Friday, October 2, 2015


I trust in your love. My heart is happy because you saved me.
—Psalm 13:5 (ICB)

When it seems like absolutely everything is going wrong— trust Me. When your life feels more and more out of control—thank Me.

That’s not what usually pops into your mind first, is it? When you’ve missed the bus, lost your best friend, and the dog really did eat your homework—your first response is to complain. That’s only natural. But whining and complaining are like jumping on a giant slide. Once you start down, you only go faster and faster—more whining and complaining. And at the bottom of that slide, there’s nothing but a big pit of self-pity.

Put on the brakes! Don’t do the “natural” thing—do what is beyond natural. Do what is supernatural. Trusting and being thankful in the middle of a really bad day are supernatural responses, and they unlock My supernatural Power in your life. I’ll see you through whatever mess you’re in and fill you up with My Peace, which is beyond your understanding.

My Life With Jesus...