Showing posts with label protection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protection. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Unlock the Hidden Power of Communion: Healing, Protection, and Abundance Await

Unlock the Hidden Power of Communion: Healing, Protection, and Abundance Await

Communion has always been one of the most sacred practices in my faith journey. It’s a moment to pause, reflect, and connect deeply with Christ. Recently, while watching the video “The Power of Communion,” I was struck by the profound insights it offered. This teaching reshaped how I approach communion—not as a mere tradition but as a powerful act of receiving life, healing, and divine grace.

As I reflect on my experiences with communion, I want to share how it has transformed my faith, anchored my hope, and renewed my understanding of God’s covenant.

Rediscovering God’s Names: Jehovah the Good

The video began with a beautiful exploration of God’s names, specifically “Jehovah the Good.” This resonated deeply with me. The name encapsulates the essence of who God is—a good and loving Father who desires the best for His children.

During one of the most challenging seasons of my life, this truth became my lifeline. I struggled with feelings of uncertainty and inadequacy. One day, while meditating on Psalm 34:8—“Taste and see that the Lord is good”—I felt a wave of peace wash over me. It reminded me that God’s goodness is not just an abstract idea; it’s a reality that touches every part of my life.

Understanding God as “Jehovah the Good” helps me approach communion with gratitude. It’s a reminder that the act of partaking is rooted in His unchanging goodness.

Communion: More Than a Ritual, a Source of Life

For years, I participated in communion without fully grasping its depth. It was something we did during church services, but I didn’t see its personal significance. The video’s explanation shifted my perspective. Communion is not just a symbolic act; it’s an opportunity to receive life and healing directly from Christ.

The bread and wine are more than elements—they’re representations of Christ’s body and blood, broken and poured out for us. This understanding became real to me when I was navigating a period of intense stress. A friend suggested that I take communion daily, not out of obligation but as a way to draw closer to God.

I began to reflect on 1 Corinthians 11:24-26, where Paul recounts Jesus’ words: “Do this in remembrance of me.” With each act of communion, I felt a renewed sense of peace and strength. It wasn’t just a ritual anymore; it became a lifeline.

The Abundance of Christ’s Life

John 10:10 has always been one of my favorite verses: “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” The teaching in the video highlighted the word Zoe, which means the “God-kind of life.”

This isn’t just about existence—it’s about living in the fullness of God’s promises. This includes:

  • Healing: Physical, emotional, and spiritual restoration.
  • Protection: A shield from harm and danger.
  • Provision: The grace to meet every need abundantly.

I’ve personally experienced this abundant life in unexpected ways. During a particularly difficult time, I prayed over my health while taking communion. I declared healing over my body and claimed the life Jesus promised. Over time, I not only recovered but gained a deeper trust in God’s ability to sustain me.

Spiritual Nutrition for the Soul

The analogy of communion as spiritual nutrition was one of the most powerful takeaways for me. Christ’s body and blood are described as the ultimate sustenance, providing everything we need for life and godliness.

In the same way that physical food nourishes the body, communion nourishes the spirit. It’s a moment of alignment with Christ, where His life becomes infused into ours. This truth has transformed the way I approach communion. Each time I partake, I see it as an act of receiving God’s strength, healing, and wholeness.

The Power of the Blood: Protection and Authority

One of the most encouraging parts of the video was the reminder of the protective power of Christ’s blood. The speaker drew a parallel to the Passover story, where the Israelites were protected from the death angel by the blood on their doorposts.

This truth has become a foundation in my prayers. I frequently declare the blood of Christ over my family, home, and circumstances. It’s a reminder that the enemy has no authority where Christ’s blood has been applied. This simple act of faith brings peace and assurance, especially during uncertain times.

Making Communion a Daily Practice

The video encouraged believers to take communion regularly, not just in church but as a personal act of worship. This was a game-changer for me. I began incorporating communion into my daily routine, and the results have been transformative.

Here’s how I do it:

  1. Quiet Reflection: I set aside time to focus on God, free from distractions.
  2. Scripture Meditation: I read passages like Isaiah 53:5 and John 6:53-58, which highlight Christ’s sacrifice.
  3. Thanksgiving: I thank God for His body and blood, acknowledging the benefits of His covenant.
  4. Partaking: I take the bread and juice, declaring healing, protection, and provision over my life.

This practice has brought incredible peace and clarity. It’s a constant reminder of Christ’s love and the abundant life He offers.

Living in the Benefits of Christ’s Covenant

Communion is more than an act of remembrance—it’s a declaration of the benefits we receive through Christ’s sacrifice. The video listed these blessings in detail, and they’ve deeply resonated with me:

  • Healing: Physical and emotional restoration.
  • Protection: Divine covering over every area of life.
  • Provision: Abundance that meets every need.
  • Eternal Life: The promise of forever with God.

Each time I take communion, I’m reminded of these truths. It’s a moment to realign my faith with God’s promises and to receive His grace afresh.

An Invitation to Rediscover Communion

As I reflect on this teaching, I feel a renewed sense of gratitude for the gift of communion. It’s not just a ritual—it’s a lifeline, a source of healing, and a declaration of God’s covenant.

I want to encourage you to rediscover the power of communion in your own life. Whether you take it daily, weekly, or as the Spirit leads, approach it with faith and expectancy. Declare the promises of God over your life, and watch as His life begins to manifest in every area.

Let’s embrace communion not just as a tradition but as a transformational act of faith. As we partake, may we experience the fullness of God’s healing, protection, and abundant life.

How has communion impacted your faith journey? I’d love to hear your story—let’s continue this conversation in the comments below!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Let The Lord Be Your Defense

Let The Lord Be Your Defense

Psalm 94:22
22But the Lord has been my defense, and my God the rock of my refuge.

Imagine being a poor widow, a stranger in the land and holding one of the lowliest jobs in society. That was Ruth’s situation, so it would have been easy for her to feel vulnerable and defenseless. But because she trusted the Lord (Ruth 1:16), He placed her under Boaz’s protection.

Boaz, the owner of the field she worked in, commanded his young men saying, “Let her glean even among the sheaves, and do not reproach her.” (Ruth 2:15) What he was saying to his men was this: “She might be a gleaner, but because I care for her, treat her with respect and make sure she is not put to shame.”

Boaz is a picture of our Lord Jesus. If you are feeling vulnerable and defenseless right now, imagine Jesus commanding His angels, “Watch over this one who belongs to Me. Make sure he is treated with respect and not put to shame because he is someone I love and someone whom I died for.”

God’s Word tells us that if God is for us, who can be against us? (Romans 8:31) No one who has set himself against us can prevail because when God is for us, His protection is upon us. That is why I have never answered any of the poison email messages which I have received in the course of my ministry.

My attitude is this: Jesus is my defense. If He does not defend me, it means that there are things in my life that are not to be defended, and I would be glad to find out about them now rather than later. On the other hand, because I take the Lord as my defense, and He defends me, what can those who are against me do to me?

When you defend yourself, you have only your two hands and your own human resources. But when you let Jesus take up your defense, He defends you with His nail-pierced hands and His legions of angels! The results will be amazing.

Beloved, the Lord is your defense and refuge. Trust Him to defend and protect you!

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

Friday, July 10, 2009

Round-The-Clock Protection

Psalm 91:5–6

5You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, 6nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.

During World War II, German planes bombed London. Houses were leveled. But there was one that remained standing amidst the rubble. Its owner said that when she read Psalm 121:4, which says, “Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep,” she told the Lord, “Lord, since You don’t sleep, then there is no point in both of us keeping awake. I will sleep while You keep watch.” And she did, while the Lord protected her and her house.

In 2005, terrorists attacked London’s public transport system. That day, a Singaporean girl found herself unexpectedly late for work and could not get to the train station in time to board her usual train. When she finally neared the station, she realized that it had been bombed just a few minutes earlier. Her mother, who worships in our church, believes that God protected her daughter that day.

God wants you to know that you have round-the-clock protection — “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.”

He protects you from “the terror by night”, which could refer to evils such as rape, kidnap or murder. He promises you protection from “the arrow that flies by day”. This could refer to bullets from a crazy sniper, drive-by shootings or home-made rockets fired into your territory.

God also shields you from “the pestilence that walks in darkness”, referring to viruses which you cannot see. You don’t have to be afraid of deadly viruses lurking somewhere or wonder if some deadly disease is developing in your body.

God also doesn’t want you to be afraid of “the destruction that lays waste at noonday”, such as a tsunami hitting the beach resort you are at, or a bomb going off in the shopping mall you are in.

You need not be afraid because God, who neither slumbers nor sleeps, is watching over you 24 hours a day!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Who Needs Protection?

Safe Under God’s Wings

Psalm 91:4
4He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge…

A farmer walked around his farm to take stock of his losses after a fire had destroyed it. When he came to the chicken coop, he noticed the charred carcass of a mother hen. He used his foot to turn the carcass over and to his surprise, live chicks ran out from under it! The mother hen had died protecting her chicks from the fire.

In the Bible, wings speak of protection. David said to God, “Hide me under the shadow of Your wings.” (Psalm 17:8) Jesus Himself offered protection to the Jewish nation when He said, “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, but you were not willing!” (Luke 13:34)

He wanted to gather the children of Israel under His wings to protect them, but they were not willing. That was why He wept over Jerusalem. He literally shed tears because He saw the destruction that would come upon His people. He saw the Roman siege of Jerusalem in AD70, when the Romans burnt the city and holy temple, slaughtered many, took some captive and sold others as slaves. (Luke 19:41–44) I believe that He also saw the Holocaust of World War II, which resulted in the extermination of six million Jews.

For us, because we have not rejected Jesus, but have received Him as our Savior, we have His protection, especially in these times of deadly pestilences, natural catastrophes and terrorist attacks.

Like the mother hen who spread her wings and died protecting her chicks, Jesus spread His wings of love and died on the cross for us. And after He had died to save us, He rose again and lives today to make sure that we are well taken care of.

Beloved, see yourself under the wings of your Savior, who has promised you this in His Word: “He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge.”

© Copyright Joseph Prince, 2006. All rights reserved.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version ®.
Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2006–2009 New Creation Church

Friday, September 12, 2008

It Shall Not Come Near You!

Psalm 91:7
7A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.

Your doctor or insurance agent may ask you, “Do you have a family history of cancer?” If you say, “Yes,” they will probably tell you that you might get some form of cancer too.

Now, if you are without God, you would probably agree with them and start worrying about your health. But you are not without God! In fact, His Word tells you, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you.” Therefore, even if you have a family history of cancer, and your family members have died of cancer, you can have the confidence to declare that it will not come near you!

My mother had this attitude. After a thorough medical check-up, the doctor was surprised and told her that she did not have high blood pressure or heart disease, although these two conditions have plagued her father and siblings. You see, my mother had already firmly declared that no deadly, family-related disease would come near her.

Praise God for my mother’s trust in God’s Word because I am the generation after her! In fact, after my mother told me about the results of her check-up, I randomly opened my Bible only to read about Rahab the harlot who by faith “did not perish with those who did not believe”. (Hebrews 11:31)

Beloved, God wants you to know that even though you are in this world, you are not of this world. You belong to Him. You don’t have to get caught in dire situations along with the people of the world. Because God is on your side, “He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence”. (Psalm 91:3)

Even when it comes to generational diseases, you can boldly declare, “That disease stops here!” because you have God and His Word. And when you believe God and His Word, you will see His promises come to pass for you — “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you”!

My Life With Jesus...