Thursday, May 4, 2017

My Testimony #01

My testimony.

Guess it's about time that I will share this with you.

I have been a Christian for more than 10years now.

In those years, I have experienced God's love and abundant blessings on me in terms of health, career and relationships.

There where still ups and downs but He pulled me through His amazing grace.

I was blessed.

I had so much fun in my life in a good way.

And even until now.


During those times, I was still stuck in a same-sex relationship.


I was in love with my ex and Jesus at the same time.

During those years, like any other normal relationships, it ended after 7 years ( the number of rest. Godcidence? Coincidence?)

I was heartbroken and asked God for forgiveness for a wrong reason ( that I messed it all up) and even prayed for a new gf.

I prayed that He restores and fix my broken heart and He did.

After months of recuperating, soul-searching.
I moved on.

I met alot of new cool friends and ended up happy and contented again.

Opportunities came in and I was so overwhelmed by the way Jesus is taking good care of me like a Shepherd does in Psalm23.

One day, I woke up with full of joy and peace in my heart that I spoke to Him.

These were my words.

"Jesus, thank You for being so patient with me all these years. Even if I suck it big time, even if I know I have hurt you, still you continue to pour out your love on me. I just wanna let You know that now, I appreciate what you have been doing to me Lord. So let me repay you. ( i know you will say, I don't need to do anything. Faith is enough. But No Lord. I'm gonna do this for you because I love you. And this time, I wanna make it right with you )

So, after a week or so.

I found myself so in love with Jesus. Super in love.

So in love that I even committed and decided
to Him that I will stop my old ways.

Must be spirit working in me huh?

I believe so.


Now, I'm gonna walk with God.

I have offered my body and spirit to Him
simply because, I am a new creation in Him.

My sins and old ways are washed away by His blood.

True enough,
He has took out all my longings for a same-sex relationship.

Now, everytime I see a beautiful woman ,
It doesn't trigger it already.

I will just say,"Hey Lord, You have such an amazing creation, i hope she gets saved. 😀"

There you go!

My journey as a Christian was God's proven character that He is a very patient God. And that He loves us so.

He never abandons someone who keeps on calling unto Him no matter what his current situation is. No matter what his/her current bondage or struggle is whether pornography, Homosexuality, sorcerers etc.

He is always there changing, transforming us from the inside out so in time, He can use us to help advance His kingdom.

Now, I realised that being a Christian is a commitment.

I cannot love God and still continue to do my old ways. My old self is gone. By Jesus' sacrifice at the cross , I am made new!

He has been faithful to me. And love me so.
So now, it's time to love Him back.

Although , I can't say that I will be perfect in loving Him, but He will be my guidance and strength in this journey.

"So now there is no more condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus,
And because you belong to Him,
The power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."

Romans 8:1

Like if you love someone in this world,
your goal is to please and love that person back faithfully.

So it works almost the same thing with loving God. The difference is that, God is just the ever-patient partner. Always waiting and waiting for you to come back to Him.

Apologies if I am running out of time for now.

Just so you know , my testimony doesn't end here.

This is just the beginning and will keep you posted.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, May 1, 2017

Depend On God’s Unmerited Favor, Not Favoritism by Joseph Prince

Depend On God’s Unmerited Favor, Not Favoritism

There is a significant difference between God’s unmerited favor and favoritism. God’s unmerited favor is based entirely on Jesus’ merit, and we received it through His finished work at the cross. We did nothing to deserve His favor. It is completely unmerited. Favoritism, however, stinks of self-effort. Individuals who rely on favoritism for promotion resort to apple-polishing, office politics, manipulative tactics, backstabbing and all kinds of compromises just to get what they want.

God has a higher and better way for you. It hurts Him to see His precious children groveling like sycophants just to get ahead in life. If a door closes, so be it! Believe with full confidence that God has a better way for you. You don’t have to depend on favoritism to succeed when you have God’s unmerited favor!

That was how Joseph operated. He depended on the Lord for his success. When Potiphar’s wife kept trying to seduce him to sleep with her, Joseph stood his ground on the firm foundation of God’s unmerited favor. He didn’t go for favoritism by doing what his boss’ wife wanted.

Beloved, like Joseph, know and rejoice that it is the Lord who is the source of your blessings and success. You don’t have to resort to trying to win the favor of significant people in your life. It is the Lord’s favor on you that sets you up for recognition, promotion and increase!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Saturday, April 29, 2017

POWERFUL Moment with Nick Vujicic

If your heart is weary and crying out for redemption, restoration and in need of a savior...

JESUS is always your answer.

Watch and prepare to embrace this amazing truth with Nick Vujicic

The guy without limbs but living an amazing life as what God promised.

Practice Jesus' Presence and Smell Like Him

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

Practice Jesus' Presence And 'Smell' Like Him

Have you ever been in a room filled with cigarette smoke? Perhaps you were in a small restaurant and there were a number of people puffing away. The whole place was smoky and your hair and clothes soon began to smell of smoke. And even after you left the restaurant, you still smelled of smoke!

In the same way, you cannot spend time in the presence of the Lord without His glory, His majesty, His beauty, His power, His love and His peace rubbing off on you. You will begin to "smell" like Jesus, be bold like Him and be filled with peace like Him! No wonder Acts 4:13 records this about Peter and John: "Now when they [the rulers and elders of Israel] saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus."

Beloved, practice the presence of the Lord wherever you are. Talk to Him. Spend time with Him. You will experience the undeniable evidence of His presence in your life!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Problems are Temporary

Let your problems build your spirit up.
We all have problems from all sorts of kinds based on lifestyles , or beliefs etc.

You see.

I have never encountered someone whom is free of any problem.

The point is , how you are dealing with that problem.

I, too have my own problems. But I just don't magnify them in my life.

I choose to magnify Jesus in my life instead.

So if you are, by chance been following my Facebook, (

My walls is filled with God's goodness, fun and positivities.

Because problems are temporary.

When God says, "He will never leave you nor forsake you!"

You should believe Him.

Because He is not a liar.

I believed Him.

I will always believe Him.

Even if sometimes the feeling is not there,
(Cuz I am only human)

I still end up believing in Him.

Because He is My Abba , Father!

Enjoy today's devotional from #JesusCalling.

It has blessed me.

I am sure it will bless you too!

Let Your Problems Lift You Up

So we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day.

—2 Corinthians 4:16 (ICB)

When a problem pops up in your life, be glad. It isn’t just a problem. It’s a chance to see things from My point of view.

A problem gives you two choices. You can get upset and throw a fit, which will take you down into a pit of feeling sorry for yourself. Or you can see the problem as a ladder, a chance to climb up into My Presence. There, in the Light of My Presence, you can see your problem as I see it—a temporary thing that will go away in time. You may even learn something from it.

This world will tell you that problems bring you down and make you weaker. But I say, problems are a chance for you to be lifted up and made stronger.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Partake Of His Life By Joseph Prince

I feel God just talked to me right now.

In Jesus, You and I are SURELY (not maybe)
are the healed!!!

Let us praise Him!

God...shares with us the life of His Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.
1 Corinthians 1:9, THE MESSAGE
Partake Of His Life
By Joseph Prince

Make no mistake: Jesus is the purest form of life, and He has called us to share intimately with Him this incredible God-kind of life. It’s a life where sicknesses and diseases have no place. And when you became a born-again believer, God qualified you to partake of this life.

Today, in the face of your symptoms, in the midst of your fears and worries, meditate on this truth and see the very life of God available and supplied to you right now. See yourself—spirit, soul and body—immersed and surrounded by the very life that fills our Lord Jesus. It will swallow up every symptom of pain, weakness and death until you are walking in its fullness!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

.. because You are a good, good Father...that's who You are...
You amaze me in so many ways. That's what You are.
Good, good Father.
Thank You for staying with me ALL THE WAY!

Have a blessed Thirstday Beloveds!!!
Stay hungry for Jesus!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

My Life With Jesus...