Saturday, June 27, 2015

Jesus Completes You

It's only Jesus can fill that void in your heart.

Just come to Him. He is waiting for you.

Don't forget to drop by our page dear friends:

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Only Jesus Is Altogether Lovely By Joseph Prince

Only Jesus Is Altogether Lovely
By Joseph Prince

Leviticus 2:1
1‘When anyone offers a grain offering to the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour...

I love the symbolism of Jesus as fine flour. Fine, even flour comes from wheat that has been pounded and beaten again and again, and sifted several times. Doesn’t that remind you of Jesus’ sufferings and sacrifice for you?

And like fine flour, there is nothing coarse about the person of Jesus. Everything about Him is in even proportions. Every word that He spoke when He was in this world, every thought of His, every action of His, was so fine! When He was kind, He was not soft. When He was assertive, He was not overbearing. He is steel and velvet, meekness and majesty. Like a perfect diamond, every which way you turn Him, you see flawlessness, beauty and brilliance. There is no one altogether lovely like Jesus!

What about Bible greats like Moses and Abraham, or Peter, John and Paul?

Moses, whom the Bible says was more humble than any man on the face of the earth (Numbers 12:3), was once so furious with his people that he struck a rock twice, something he was not supposed to do. (Numbers 20:1–12) His temper got the better of him on that occasion.

Abraham, whom Christians regard as a man of faith (Hebrews 11:8–10), lied about his wife being his sister when a king coveted her. He endangered her life just to save his own skin. (Genesis 20:1–18)

Peter, who was deeply zealous for Jesus, denied Him three times. (Matthew 26:33–34) John, the beloved disciple who leaned on Jesus’ bosom, was all ready to call down fire from heaven to destroy the inhabitants of Samaria who had rejected Jesus. (Luke 9:52–54)

What about Paul, the apostle of grace, who blazed the missionary trail which future missionaries would follow? Even Paul went to Jerusalem when he was told not to by the Holy Spirit through some disciples and the prophet Agabus. (Acts 21:4, 10–11)

Beloved, the best of us can miss the mark. The only one who is faultless, flawless and altogether lovely is Jesus. And because He never misses the mark, you can look to Him. He will never disappoint you!

Look Unto Jesus by Joseph Prince

Look Unto Jesus by Joseph Prince

Hebrews 12:2
2looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith...

What does it mean to look unto Jesus? Well, we can think of it like this: If you are drowning and somebody walks past you, you do not look at him. You look unto him. When you look unto him, you are turning to him and expecting him to rescue you.

In the same manner, you look unto Jesus expecting Him to save, heal and protect you because you know His mighty power and sacrificial love for you. God’s Word says that we are to keep “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith”. That is how God wants us to live.

So if you have a recurring migraine, keep looking unto Jesus. See Him taking that migraine upon His body on the cross and say, “Lord, I thank You that by Your stripes I am healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) As you keep looking unto Jesus, your healer, that migraine will have to bow to His finished work!

If you have a financial lack in your life, just keep looking unto Jesus with confident expectation that He will provide for you and deliver you from your lack.

“But Pastor Prince, is it really so simple? All I have to do is look unto Jesus and He will bless me financially?”

Yes, it is that simple. The problem with us is that we tend to look unto ourselves. But we cannot save or deliver ourselves. Even the apostle Paul struggled when he depended on his self-effort. That is why he said, “For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice.” (Romans 7:19) It was only when Paul looked away from himself and unto Jesus that he received his deliverance. (Romans 7:24–25)

My friend, if you have been looking unto yourself, it is time to start looking unto Jesus. Look unto Him, the author and finisher of your faith. And soon, you will be looking at your healing and provision!


"seek peace and pursue it."

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Don’t Trouble Your Heart By Joseph Prince

Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

Don’t Trouble Your Heart
By Joseph Prince

You have probably read health articles that say that the cause of many medical conditions today is stress. Stress can produce all kinds of imbalances in your body. It can cause you to age prematurely, give you rashes, cause gastric pains and even hinder fertility. To put it succinctly, stress kills!

Beloved, stress is not from God. Peace is! Jesus said, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”. Notice Jesus’ second statement. He says that if you want to walk in His peace, then don’t allow your heart to be troubled or afraid.

Now, you do this by not feeding on negative reports that trouble or put fear in your heart. If your doctor has given you a negative report, don’t keep thinking about it. Meditate on the fact that by Jesus’ stripes you are healed. If the news on television is making you worried about the economy and your job security, don’t keep watching it. Meditate on the fact the God supplies all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Beloved, let not your heart be troubled. Rather, let it be strengthened and established in the love and wonderful promises of God for you!

Friday, June 5, 2015

See Jesus Judged For Your Sake

Jesus sacrificed has set us all free. Not only from sins but to deadly diseases and poverty!

Enjoy today's devotional from Joseph Prince dear friends.

Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness—by whose stripes you were healed.
1 Peter 2:24

See Jesus Judged For Your Sake

To see God’s grace toward us when we are sick is to see what Jesus did for us at the cross. Just as it was important for the Israelites to eat the lamb roasted on that first Passover night before they walked free the next day, God wants you to see His provision for your healing—Jesus, the true Lamb of God—“roasted”. He wants you to see Jesus smitten by His judgment for your deliverance and redemption.

Beloved, see Jesus carrying your symptoms and diseases on His own body. See Him taking one lash after another until His back was shredded to ribbons. See Him falling again and again under the brutality of the scourging, only to rise again and again for more beating until ALL your diseases were healed! Receive your healing as you receive what His perfect finished work at the cross has accomplished for you!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

You Are A Blessing Going Somewhere To Happen By Joseph Prince

You Are A Blessing Going Somewhere To Happen
By Joseph Prince

Deuteronomy 28:10
10Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you.

Today, we are called by the name of Christ — Christ-ians. Therefore, the blessing of Deuteronomy 28:10, which says, “Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord” is no longer just a promise but reality!

The second part of the verse — “and they shall be afraid of you” — is also true for you. People will respect you. Your boss will favor you and even your competitors will esteem you highly. They know that there is something special about you because good things happen when you are around!

I experienced this blessing when I first started working. I worked in a small third-floor office which constantly smelled of salted fish because there was a salted fish stall on the ground floor. It was in that small, dingy office that I kept on confessing that I was blessed by the Lord, and I experienced divine favor with my clients. My boss could see that there was something different about me.

The company’s business flourished and before long, we moved out of that small office to a building which in the mid-eighties was considered an information technology hub. There, we occupied a couple of offices, and started specializing in computer software and courses. Soon, we occupied the entire floor! That was how much God was prospering us.

God was also blessing me tremendously. I was drawing a very good monthly income, enjoying the favor of my boss and was in his inner circle. A few years later, I decided to go into full-time ministry. When I broke the news to my boss, he cried. I never knew how much I meant to him until then. It was only then that I realized what a blessing I had been to him by the grace of God.

Beloved, because you are also called by the name of the Lord, wherever you go, you are a blessing. His blessing is on you. The people around you will look at you and know that you are a blessing going somewhere to happen!

My Life With Jesus...