Thursday, June 1, 2017

Timely Wisdom

So overwhelmed by this.


God comes through on time in providing wisdom during situations in life that appear confusing. Throughout God’s word we read several accounts when individuals faced situations when timely wisdom was vital. They needed the timely wisdom of God to enforce God-honoring solutions to the present problem.

For example, Solomon asked God for wisdom on how to govern his people effectively, and God came through in timely wisdom when a dispute took place between two mothers and their children.

Daniel replied with discretion and wisdom to Nebuchadnezzar’s bodyguard when a decree went out to put him and his friends to death. God came through in timely wisdom for Daniel to not only communicate and function in times of turmoil, but God granted Daniel wisdom for the interpretation of the king’s dream.

Esther sought wisdom when she learned about the evil attempt of Haman regarding the annihilation of her people.

Ananias sought wisdom from God when called to follow God’s will and purpose when commanded to go lay his hands on Saul. In following God’s timely wisdom, Ananias’ obedience led to Saul regaining his sight and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

God’s word is a reminder to you that God is timeless, holds time, not bound by time because He created time. These accounts are just a few of several testimonies in the Bible for believers to stand firm and know that no matter what we face, God is timely as it relates to his promise of wisdom being activated and in full effect in your life. Don’t think for one moment that God will not show up on time for you, even when you feel and it appears that time is lost, the time is over, and you can’t regain time. God is the one who has a plan for your life and He always fulfills his purpose, plan, and will for your life in due season (HIS TIME!).

When you ask our heavenly Father for wisdom, He promises in His word to give it to you without finding fault. God’s timely wisdom will kick in in every situation, even when you naturally think you aren’t prepared to get through a particular issue. Be encouraged today that God will provide you with timely wisdom as it relates to every decision and aspect in your life. Trust Him. God is coming through for you!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Let Me Stop the Storm

Thank You Jesus You are my peace❤❤❤

Let Me Stop the Storm

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.

—2 Thessalonians 3:16

You have heard people talk about having a brainstorm. They mean that someone has just had a very good idea. But I have another definition. A brainstorm is when you put all of your mental energy into trying to figure things out for yourself. Thoughts are spinning round and round, but going nowhere and accomplishing nothing. It’s as if they are caught up in a terrible storm. All the while, My Peace hovers over you, searching for a place to land.

Let Me stop the storm in your mind. Be still, and ask Me to take control of your thoughts. Just as I calmed the winds and waves for My disciples, I will calm the storm of thoughts inside your brain. Ask Me for My Peace—it’s there whenever you need it.

Matthew 8:23-26; Job 22:21

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, May 29, 2017

See Jesus’ Grace and He Sees Your Faith by Joseph Prince

It is not about your faith ,
it is all about seeing Jesus.

See Jesus’ Grace and He Sees Your Faith

“I don’t think I have enough faith to be healed.”

My friend, it’s not for you to see how much faith you have. That’s God’s department. All you need to do is simply see how gracious God is toward you.

The woman with the issue of blood didn’t go around saying, “I must have faith. I must have faith...” No, she wasn’t conscious of her faith (or lack of it). She was conscious of Jesus and His goodness. How? She heard about Jesus. She must have heard all about His kindness toward the sick and oppressed, and how He healed and delivered them ALL.

She simply saw Jesus in His grace, and Jesus saw her faith and affirmed it—“Daughter, your faith has made you well.” Beloved, just focus on Jesus’ grace. See how He healed ALL without qualification and keep hearing of His goodness!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Getting Filled With All The Fullness Of God By Joseph Prince

Getting Filled With All The Fullness Of God
By Joseph Prince

Ephesians 3:19
19to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

We would all like to experience more health, abundance and success in our lives. God, being God, has all of these things, won’t you agree? So to be full of God is to be full of health, abundance and success. But how does one become full of God?

In the past, I was told that to be “filled with all the fullness of God”, I had to fast a certain number of days, pray a certain number of hours and speak in tongues incessantly! I am not belittling fasting, praying or speaking in tongues, but to be filled with all the fullness of God is not about what you do. It is not even about your love for Christ. It is actually about knowing the love of Christ! No one ever told me that if I knew how much God loves me and focused on His love for me, I would be full of Him.

When God made you, He designed you to run at optimal level when you are filled with His love, like a car that runs at its best when it is filled with the right kind of petrol or gasoline. When you realise how much God loves you and you feed on His love for you, you will be supernaturally filled with the fullness of God.

And to be full of God is to be full of everything God is to you and has for you. To be full of God is to come to a place of life, health, peace, abundance — total wellness.

Also, when you are conscious of how much God loves you and you become filled with the fullness of God, what follows is the next verse — God doing exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think, according to the power that works in you. (Ephesians 3:20) You will experience the tremendous blessings of God exploding in your life! You will become a blessing magnet!

So as God’s beloved, continue to be nourished by His love for you, and experience more health, abundance and success in your life!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Ask God For Wisdom

Yes. Ask God for wisdom. He will pour it unto you with no questions asked.

My testimony?
Even my world is quite messy right now, I can say I'm good. Because I believe I am grounded on His wisdom. And Jesus is with me. That is the most important thing in this life's journey.

His promises have never failed me yet.
And that is my only Hope.

The same thing goes with you.

Because He loves you so.

Keep the good hope in Jesus, my friend.

And you will never be disappointed.

Keep walking with Him. And in time,
you shall reach your destination in Victory!


Thank You Abba Father !

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Sunday, May 21, 2017

God Will Surely Show You Kindness By Joseph Prince

God Will Surely Show You Kindness
By Joseph Prince

2 Samuel 9:7
7So David said to him, “Do not fear, for I will surely show you kindness for Jonathan your father’s sake, and will restore to you all the land of Saul your grandfather; and you shall eat bread at my table continually.”

When the people in the palace heard that King Saul and his son Jonathan had died in battle, they panicked. Fearful that David was coming to seize the throne, and kill all the sons and grandsons of Saul, they ran for their lives. A nurse took Mephibosheth, Jonathan’s son, and ran. But as she fled, the five-year-old boy fell and became lame in both feet. (2 Samuel 4:4)

The poor boy would not have been crippled if they had known that David actually loved Jonathan and Saul, and would have looked after Jonathan’s son because he had made a covenant with Jonathan. (1 Samuel 18:3)

In this story, King Saul represents the human race. He is like Adam who sinned against God and forfeited all that God gave to man. He had the position, but not the power anymore because of sin. Jonathan, who came after Saul, represents Jesus, who came as a human. Jonathan was not like Saul — he was good, just as Jesus is not like Adam — Jesus is the perfect Man. David represents God. So Jonathan’s covenant with David speaks of Jesus’ covenant with God. Mephibosheth represents believers today who are “lame” in some way — sick, depressed, fearful, poor and so on.

Now, Mephibosheth became lame because of bad news that was based on a lie. Many believers today are suffering needlessly because they believe the wrong things about God. They think, “My sin has found me out! God is coming after me!”

Well, I have good news for all Mephibosheths: David is not after your life! When David looked for Mephibosheth, it was to show him kindness, to take care of him and restore to him the land that had belonged to Saul his grandfather.

Likewise, God is not out to get you. He knows all about your sins and still loves you. That is why He sent Jesus as the payment for your sins. And because of Jesus’ covenant with Him, He says to you, “Don’t be afraid, I will surely show you kindness. I will restore all to you and you shall always eat at My table!”

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Puzzle Pieces

Puzzle Pieces

For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

—Isaiah 55:9 (NKJV)

I gave you an amazing mind. With it you can think great thoughts and dream great dreams. But My Mind is infinitely bigger and more amazing. My thoughts contain all of creation and the universe, all of the past, present, and future. And because I understand all things and all times, My thoughts and My ways are different from yours.

Life can be like a box of puzzle pieces—with the box top missing. When you look around at your life, all you can see are the pieces. But I see the final picture. I know how all the pieces fit together. I know how to join together all the jagged pieces of hurts and disappointments, plus the smooth pieces of victories and joys.

Trust My timing and My ways. Trust Me to fit all your pieces together into a wonderful life. And trust Me—at the end of your life—to lead you home to heaven.

Isaiah 55:8; Psalm 73:23–24

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

My Life With Jesus...