Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Good Life Without The Sweat by Joseph Prince

The world tells you to work hard to have success.

I did it for years.
I worked hard...spent most of my time at work... almost neglecting my loved ones fearing that I'd lose whatever I thought that could make well.


I failed.

Yes. I worked hard for the "money"...

I might be having a different frame of mind but

deep in my heart, i felt something wasn't right.

I didn't like it that way.

Fastforward to this day,

Now, I stand to the truth that God has His own ways of prospering His people.

A prosperity that doesn't affect one's relationship to either family, loved ones, friends or colleagues.

A prosperity that could make you well physically, mentally, emotinaly and spiritual.

No stress, full of REST and only good days!

That kind of "Prosperity" can only be given by God to His Children.

I am one of His children and I'm gona keep claiming it.

I sooooo love this TRUTH!

Go on now. Read on and be blessed!


The Good Life Without The Sweat by Joseph Prince

Matthew 6:26
26Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?

Most people are of the opinion that the good life does not happen without hard work and buckets of sweat. They believe that to achieve success, you first need to have this educational certificate, that professional qualification, this particular job and that many years of hard work. I have good news for you: God has a better way.

We all must work, but the world wants you to believe that there is a natural process of sowing, reaping and gathering, accompanied by waiting, toiling and stress, before the good life actually comes. But God says, “My people do not need to go through this natural process to enjoy the good life for they are not of this world’s system. They can operate out of My economy and I can give them the good life straightaway!”

In the same way that God feeds the birds which do not go through the sow-then-reap-then-gather system of the world, He wants to and will do much more for you!

Your heavenly Father wants you to know the generosity of His heart toward you and how much He wants to make you successful. A case in point is what happened to a church member who believed this truth. After leaving his previous job, he trusted God to provide him with a better one. Within just four months, he found himself heading two companies.

His newly formed distribution company not only clinched a major project in Singapore, but was also made the principal distributor in Southeast Asia for a popular line of products from the United States. His second company, which provided consultancy services, was given two projects by a Korean and a Hong Kong company for a six-figure consultancy fee in US dollars.

Today, God wants you to know that you are not of the world’s system. You are of the kingdom of God — the same kingdom that feeds the birds that do not toil, but simply trust their Creator for all their provisions in life. Be convinced that you are of more value to your heavenly Father than the birds, and let Him give you the good life without the toiling and laboring of the world.

Thought of The Day

Operate out of God’s economy by trusting His heart for you, and enjoy the good life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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