Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Jesus is my doctor!

I've read this stat in my facebook newsfeed.

Let's talk about healing.

Ok. So you have a migraine.
You suffer once in awhile of it because of work related stress or family problems. Maybe for lack of sleep or whatever.

Sometimes it gets even worse.

One day, it's attacking you again.

You got no choice but to take pain killers.
Well for me, I don't consider those meds as painkillers either cuz it often comes back and attack you again.

It goes on and on cuz those painkillers have failed to kill the pain!

The next day or week, you'll find yourself struggling with those pain again.
Life just sucks that way.

I know. I know. Because I've been there. Done that!

Now, you need to hear my story.

If this will help you find your way out from that pain.


If it won't. You have no choice but go back to square one and start living like the ordinary human beings around who think that the way in this world is
To be born,
Grow up,
Get sick,
Get hurt,
Have success for a little while,

Is that how you think the world works?

Then you can stop reading this post.






Ups. Are you still there?

Lolx. I can see that.

Ok since you're still here,
I might as well go on.

Let's go back to healing.

You know that in this world,
everyone gets sick.
Coughs, flu, fever, H1N1,cancer and the list goes on.

Everyone tries to get a cure.
If they have lots of money, they can hire private doctors and nurses to take care of them. And buy all the drugs they could get their hands on.


Is it an ideal way to live?

I say no!

Where's the life even if you got lots of $$$ and it just ended up on your meds.

Where's the life if you ended up broke because you're trying too much to heal yourself and made your doctor or hospitals rich?

Few years back, I struggled to
keep fit and searched the internet for the cure of migraines. But to no avail.
It only made me disappointed and frustrated. Thinking with all the inventions and awesome technologies of the world, NOT even one scientist or doctor have created a cure for migraine! Pathetic!

Doctors will just tell you having migraines is normal and you just need to get some rest and not be stressed out after taking meds.


Being normal is having migraines??

Then I don't want to be normal anymore! Hahah!

It's crazy how the world thinks.
The world says, it's normal to get sick every now and then because you're human.

Hello again!

Then I might as well become a Monkey. Have you heard of monkeys got sick?


I'm trying to be real slow here now and
I hope you're getting my point.

I am not gona convince you about anything. Nor I would want you to stop taking those meds.

Let's put it this way.
In this world, you get sick and die.

In God's world, you get healed and live!


One time, after several months of not having any pain, a bad headache attacked me again.
This time I knew what to do.

I took out my fave healing scriptures and said it out loud,

"By His Stripes I am the Healed!"

I kept repeating those words till my spirit led me to stop.

The pain didn't go away in an instant but for now I realised it has been keeping its distance from me this long.
Months and years went by, and I couldn't even remember the pain anymore.

Thank you Jesus!

There you go!
I have revealed my secret.

Yes. Jesus is my Healer.
I don't care if some hardcore atheists or non-believers outhere would tell me I am dillusional or insane but hey dude! I am walking here on earth migraine-free!

It's not normal..


Now I can have fun most of the time.
No worries of when it's gona get back because I know it's gone forever!

All because of JESUS!

You can tell me I'm stupid for believing in Jesus and you can even say that again and again till you run out of breath but still it's not gona change my mind.

Jesus is my doctor.
With Him as my doctor,
I get supernatural healing
with no side effects.

Forever, I'm gona keep praising Him!

Thank you Jesus for Your blood!
I am redeemed from all the sicknesses in this world!

"But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed!"

Isaiah 53:5

Do you want to get to know my doctor and Healer?

It's easy. And it's FREE.

Your job is just to BELIEVE...

Cmon! Time is running out!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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