Sunday, April 7, 2013

100 Days of Favor Day 92

I really love this book from Joseph Prince.
Brings me closer to Jesus.

Must have!!!

I'm on Day 92 now! Wow!

Would love to start all over again from Day 1.... Definitely I WILL!

Sharing a beautiful prayer I got from day 92:

Be blessed everyone!

"Father, I humbly acknowledge my utter inability to accomplish anything in life in and of myself. Therefore, I turn away from my reliance on self- effort, and I choose to rely on You and Your unmerited favor alone.
There can only be good results in my life when YOU are the one working in and through me. Any good success that I have today is because of You and Your unmerited favor,
Thank You for doing for me and through me what I cannot do in and of myself."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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