Tuesday, December 24, 2013

You Have A Strong Kinsman-Redeemer! By Joseph Prince

You Have A Strong Kinsman-Redeemer! By Joseph Prince

Jeremiah 50:34
34Their Redeemer is strong; the Lord of hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead their case...

Ruth, a young, poor and childless widow in the Old Testament, lay at the feet of Boaz, her potential kinsman-redeemer. (Ruth 3:7) As a rich and close relative of her in-laws, Boaz had the power to redeem her from her plight.

Ruth was simply obeying Naomi, her mother-in-law, who had told her to go and lie down at Boaz’s feet. In the Jewish custom of those days, this was a posture which said, “Please redeem me for you are a close relative.” Notice Boaz’s response to Ruth: “And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request...” (Ruth 3:11)

Beloved, Boaz is a picture of Jesus who is our kinsman-redeemer. He is our kinsman, having been born into this world as one like us. And He is our Redeemer because He redeemed us at a great price when He shed His blood for us on the cross.

As your Redeemer, not only is Jesus willing, but He also has the power to restore to you all that you have lost. That is why you can go to Him and say, “I blew it and now my family is suffering. My finances are dwindling fast. But I come to You, my kinsman-redeemer...” And you will find that He will redeem you because your Redeemer is strong. The Lord of hosts is His name. He will thoroughly plead your case, causing only blessings of wisdom, deliverance, restoration, provision and liberty to come out of your situation!

Just as Ruth lay at Boaz’s feet, the feet of Jesus is the place of redemption and blessings. Both Jairus the synagogue ruler (Mark 5:22) and the Syro-Phoenician woman (Mark 7:25–26) fell at Jesus’ feet. And there at His feet they received healing for their daughters.

When you take your place at Jesus’ feet, looking to Him for help, expect to receive His blessings. There is nothing to fear knowing that as Boaz did for Ruth, Jesus, your heavenly Boaz, will do for you all that you have requested!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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