Friday, June 6, 2014

New Creation Church - Love's sacrifice

Let's worship Jesus today..

cuz it always feels good and healthy this way.

Forget your worries and problems for awhile.

Remember, you have an awesome savior, JESUS.

Whatever situation you are in right now,

He is always there to lift you up higher!


2000 years ago, Jesus Christ took our place,
and for every sin that you and I have committed or will ever commit

He bore it at the tree and He was punished so that we will not be punished,

He was condemned, so that we will never be condemned.

He took our place so that we can take his place. He became sin so that we can become the righteousness of God.

The bible says He became our curse that we might be blessed.

Lovers and acquaintances were kept far from Him so that we will always be surrounded by them.

And He cried “my God my God why have you forsaken me” so that you and I will cry “my Father my Father why have You so blessed me“.

He found His rest loving you saving you. – Joseph Prince
A song about Jesus’ sacrifice to redeem me. His precious blood shed and perfect body broken.

Lyrics for Love’s Sacrifice

In the beauty of Your holiness
Your face is all I see
In the glory of Your majesty
I bow my knee, I bow my knee
To worship You
Worship You
Your grace has opened my eyes
To see the beauty, the price
Of Your love’s sacrifice
Your love’s sacrifice
Your blood has redeemed me from shame
Your power has broken the chains
This is love’s sacrifice
Your love’s sacrifice
In the presence of Your perfect love
My fears are swept away
In the tenderness of Your embrace
I lift my hands, I lift my hands
Words & music by Jen Tan, Joy Chua, Winston Tay
Copyright 2010 New Creation Church, Singapore

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