Saturday, August 2, 2014

Jesus’ Heart Revealed By Joseph Prince

Jesus’ Heart Revealed
By Joseph Prince

When Jesus was in a synagogue in Nazareth, He spoke of how God sent Elijah to the widow of Zarephath, and Elisha to Naaman the Syrian. If you read these two stories in the Old Testament, you will realize that one is a miracle of provision and abundance (the widow’s last bit of oil was multiplied), while the other is a miracle of healing (Naaman was cleansed of leprosy).

So even in the Old Testament, we see that God’s desire is to amply provide for and heal people. It’s not His will for anyone to suffer lack, or to perish from disease. In the New Testament, when Jesus encountered lack, He gave huge catches of fish, and multiplied loaves and fish. When the sick came to Him, He always healed them.

Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Settle it in your heart and mind that He wants you healthy and provided for. Take time to read all the miracles of provision and healing in the Gospels and see Jesus’ heart for you today.

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