Monday, January 12, 2015

Expect Surprises

Expect Surprises!

This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.
—Psalm 118:24

Try to see each day as an adventure, planned out by Me, your Guide. Instead of trying to make your day into what you want it to be, open your eyes to all the things I have prepared just for you. Each day is My precious gift to you—and you only have one chance to live it. Trust that I am with you every minute, working in your life. And then thank Me for this day—no matter what happens.

Expect surprises! When you live your life with Me, no day will ever be boring or predictable. Don’t take the easiest path. Don’t just get through the day. Live it! Be willing to follow Me wherever I lead. Even when My way seems scary, the safest place to be is by My side.


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