Friday, October 2, 2015


I trust in your love. My heart is happy because you saved me.
—Psalm 13:5 (ICB)

When it seems like absolutely everything is going wrong— trust Me. When your life feels more and more out of control—thank Me.

That’s not what usually pops into your mind first, is it? When you’ve missed the bus, lost your best friend, and the dog really did eat your homework—your first response is to complain. That’s only natural. But whining and complaining are like jumping on a giant slide. Once you start down, you only go faster and faster—more whining and complaining. And at the bottom of that slide, there’s nothing but a big pit of self-pity.

Put on the brakes! Don’t do the “natural” thing—do what is beyond natural. Do what is supernatural. Trusting and being thankful in the middle of a really bad day are supernatural responses, and they unlock My supernatural Power in your life. I’ll see you through whatever mess you’re in and fill you up with My Peace, which is beyond your understanding.

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