Friday, January 20, 2017

Guard What Enters Your Heart by Joseph Prince

Guard What Enters Your Heart by Joseph Prince

I’ve always said that right believing leads to right living. The opposite is also true: Wrong believing leads to wrong living. That’s why it’s so important what you believe or allow to enter into your heart.

It’s no wonder that the Book of Wisdom tells us to guard our hearts above all else, because what we allow to take root in our hearts will determine the course of our lives! If you’ve not been experiencing success in a certain area, check what you’ve been believing about that area or about yourself in relation to that area. Ask the Lord to reveal any erroneous belief to you and ask Him to help you replace it with the truth of His Word.

Beloved, fill your heart with only what’s pure and true from the Lord. Keep His words in the midst of your heart and uppermost in your mind. They will be life and health to your soul and entire body!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

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