Friday, July 16, 2021

Business Secrets from the Bible

Are you tired of your financial challenges?

Do you want a financial breakthrough so you can become a blessing to others too?

Become a steward of God's money and use it to advance His Kingdom while we

are here on earth?

Then we are in the same boat.

Honestly, I have been into a financial whirlwind, challenges lately because as a

freelance videographer , video producer, I ran out of clients and business to do

because of covid. But I say, I believe this is a wake-up call to call upon God 

Abba, Father to give us wisdom in how to deal with our finances.

It is time to claim boldly our blessings and declare that GOD IS OUR SOURCE

and not anything else in this world! Not our government, our relatives, parents or company.

So let us watch this together and learn from it,

We have a good good Father and His heart only wants to bless us abundantly. 

Do not give up! Do not lose hope.

We are in this together with Jesus in our lives!💪 

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