Saturday, April 23, 2022

How To Thrive In Every Season Of Life (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode

In your Christian journey, you will discover judging Christians, Christians under law,

Christians under grace. And you know what, we are all broken Christians that need Jesus

as our Savior.

I almost gave up on Jesus because of some Christiand judging me of who I am..

but I can say, Jesus loves me so and He has kept me. and I believe He will keep until

He comes back.

My take is, you do not rely on some Christians on how you should take Jesus in your life,

You should rely on Jesus alone. Because Jesus' is made stronger through your weakness.

I know God-fearing Christians want the us who believe to be Holy in our ways and avoid sin.

That is good. But unfortunately, we cannot be..until we are still here on earth.

We get pissed, if we not we gossip unknowingly judging other people's lifestyle which is now Jesus want

from us to do. Jesus while He was here on earth, was kind and spent more of his days with tax collectors,  

sexually immoral people, sinful people. He said he came not to judge but to save the people!

How amazing truth is that.

I believe our main task as a Christian, is just to worship Jesus no matter what.

Trust His ways ...Trust His timings and let Him do all the work.,

Changing people inside out is not our job. Our job is just to spread the Gospel 

so people can be saved!

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