Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Behold the Lamb of God

Time to feed my soul with Jesus-filled teachings.

It makes a lot of difference.

Just reading few words about Jesus,
I get so refreshed everytime.


"the Power of Right Believing"
By Joseph Prince

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Freedom from Condemnation

Do not fight your depression.

Just think of Jesus.
Meditate on Jesus.
Thank Him for He is Your Lord and Savior ,
and the depression shall melt away effortlessly.

"the Power of Right Believing"
By Joseph Prince

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Thank You Jesus!

My friend, do you know how loved you are today?

Our Lord Jesus endured the most painful death on the cross, counting it a joy because it meant salvation, healing, and access to His peace, life, and blessings for us (see Heb. 12:2). He bore the punishment for all our sins, so that we can now enjoy an unbreakable relationship with Him, where He is always with us and for us. 

Today, let’s take time to meditate on His perfect sacrifice again, and thank Him for loving us with the greatest love of all. 



"Still He Walked"

He could hear the crowds screaming "crucify" "crucify"... 
He could hear the hatred in their voices,
These were His chosen people. 
He loved them,
And they were going to crucify him.
He was beaten, bleeding and weakened...
His heart was broken,
But still He walked.

He could see the crowd as He came from the palace.
He knew each of the faces so well.
He had created them.
He knew every smile, every laugh, and every shed tear,
But now they were contorted with rage and anger
His heart broke,
But still He walked.

He searched the crowd for a loving face and He saw very few.
Then he turned His eyes to the only one that mattered
And He knew that He would never be alone.
He looked back at the crowd...
At the people who were spitting at Him
Throwing rocks at Him and mocking Him
And he knew that because of Him,
They would never be alone.
So for them, He walked.

The sounds of the hammer striking the spikes echoed through the crowd. 
The sounds of His cries echoed even louder,
The cheers of the crowd, as His hands and feet were nailed to the cross, 
Intensified with each blow.
Loudest of all was the still small voice 
Inside His Heart that whispered "I am with you, my Son",
And God's heart broke.
He had let His son walk.

Jesus could have asked God to end His suffering,
But instead He asked God to forgive.
Not to forgive Him, but to forgive the ones who were persecuting Him.
As He hung on that cross, dying an unimaginable death,
He looked out and saw, not only the faces in the crowd,
But also, the face of every person yet to be,
And His heart filled with love.
As His body was dying, His heart was alive. 
Alive with the limitless, unconditional love He feels for each of us.
That is why He walked.

When I forget how much My God loves me,
...I remember His walk.
When I wonder if I can be forgiven,
...I remember His walk.
When I need to be reminded of how to live like Christ,
...I think of His walk.
And to show Him how much I love Him,
...I wake up each morning, turn my eyes to Him,
.......And I walk. 

Author Unknown

Don't be sin-conscious, be Son-conscious

If you get sin-conscious, you end up with nightmares.
If you get Son-conscious, you end up full of peace and joy.
Which one do you prefer?

Your Sins He Remembers No More
By Joseph Prince

“Why would God hear your prayer? Why would He heal you? Have you forgotten what you’ve done?”

Have such thoughts crossed your mind and discouraged you from reaching out to God for your healing or some other breakthrough?

Such thoughts that condemn you aren’t from God or the Holy Spirit. They originate from the devil. The enemy wants you sin-conscious and will even tell you that it’s “godly” to be mindful of your failures.

But God doesn’t want you sin-conscious—that’s not honoring what His Son has done for you at the cross. In fact, He declares in His Word that your sins and lawless deeds He remembers no more! God’s not keeping an itemized account of your sins. So why are you?

Beloved, don’t be sin-conscious today. Be Son-conscious, and watch God’s healing and provision for your every need manifest!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Stop Condemning Yourself

Yes. Lately I got so busy checking on myself,

retrospecting and evaluating myself for what I have been to my friends , and family.

All I got was a total nightmare and full of negavities.

I needed to shake it off!

You see, sometimes it's good to look and evaluate yourself whether you have been good or bad.

But if that is stressing you out. Please STOP!

Just turn your focus in Jesus.

See how lovely and beautiful your savior is.

That is the Lord who came down on earth to save you in the midst of your sins and failures.

Because He knows you can't make it on your own.

Yeah. So I shifted my focus to Jesus instead of trying to disect myself.

And that felt good!

I am always work in progress.

But thank God, Jesus has washed all my sins away and I can only be more thankful to that.

Dear friend, everyday we will always do a little mistake here and there but do not condemn yourself.

Let us not condemn ourselves. ( because the enemy will rejoice if we do that)

Instead, let us praise Jesus for what He has done at the cross to save us from our failures.

Do not let the devil push you down.
Let Jesus LIFT you up!

My tip, everytime this happens,
I praise Him.

I praise Him for His patience and unconditional love.

I praise Him for His patience.

I praise Him because He still wants to hug me everytime I fail.

Yes. I just praise Him because He is Jesus and the Lord of lords!


Enjoy today's devotional from Ps Joseph Prince.

This has refreshed my soul.

Don’t Be Dust-Conscious by Joseph Prince

Luke 13:11
11And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up.

Imagine being bowed over for 18 years. All you would see is the dust on the ground. That was the predicament of the woman in Luke 13. Dust was all her eyes fell on, all the time, everywhere she went, until she became dust-conscious. Thank God she finally saw the beautiful feet of Jesus, who brought her good news and raised her up.

Now, dust is the devil’s food. The Bible tells us that God cursed the devil to eat dust all the days of his life. (Genesis 3:14) Dust represents death. (Genesis 3:19) The devil wants you to be like him — to fall flat on your belly, crawl and eat dust. To eat dust is to feed on your shortcomings and lack, until you constantly feel that there is so much in your life that you need to clean up. You may not be physically bowed over, but like the woman, you become dust-conscious and life every day is a struggle.

Having a dust-consciousness also affects the way you see others. You look at people’s faults all the time. You point out their shortcomings and rake up their past failures. When you are dust-conscious, you find your relationships robbed of peace and joy.

And if you, like the woman, keep looking at the dust, before long, that inward position of dust-consciousness becomes so entrenched that you become the devil’s food because dust is what he eats. God’s Word describes him as being like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8)

If you don’t want to be devoured by him, then lift your eyes above the dust! Instead of looking at your failures, look to Christ who has delivered you from every defeat. See yourself the way God sees you — righteous and holy in Christ. (Colossians 3:12; 2 Corinthians 5:21) You are not dust because you are not in and of the flesh — you are in and of the Spirit. (Romans 8:9)

My friend, the more you realise who you are in Christ, the more you will straighten up and walk the way God sees you — a new creation with His authority, power and overcoming Spirit!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, May 8, 2017

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
Psalm 103:2–5

Forget Not All His Benefits
By Joseph Prince

God wants you to remember all the benefits that Jesus has purchased for you with His blood! It is His heart to see you enjoying every single benefit, every single blessing and every single favor from Him in the new covenant of His grace. Forgiveness of sins is yours. Health is yours. Divine protection is yours. Favor is yours. Good things and the renewal of youth are yours! These are all precious gifts from the Lord to you, and it brings Him unspeakable joy when He sees you enjoying these gifts and succeeding in life.

What we need today are not more laws to govern believers. What we need is a greater revelation and appreciation of Jesus and everything that He has done for us! In Hosea 4:6, God lamented, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...” Let’s not be numbered among these people. Instead, let us be a people who are full of the knowledge of Jesus, His person, His love and His finished work.

Beloved, don’t allow your ignorance to rob you any more of any of His benefits. Find out all about your covenant rights and benefits in Christ today. Each day, remember them and meditate on them, and see His goodness toward you!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, May 4, 2017

My Testimony #01

My testimony.

Guess it's about time that I will share this with you.

I have been a Christian for more than 10years now.

In those years, I have experienced God's love and abundant blessings on me in terms of health, career and relationships.

There where still ups and downs but He pulled me through His amazing grace.

I was blessed.

I had so much fun in my life in a good way.

And even until now.


During those times, I was still stuck in a same-sex relationship.


I was in love with my ex and Jesus at the same time.

During those years, like any other normal relationships, it ended after 7 years ( the number of rest. Godcidence? Coincidence?)

I was heartbroken and asked God for forgiveness for a wrong reason ( that I messed it all up) and even prayed for a new gf.

I prayed that He restores and fix my broken heart and He did.

After months of recuperating, soul-searching.
I moved on.

I met alot of new cool friends and ended up happy and contented again.

Opportunities came in and I was so overwhelmed by the way Jesus is taking good care of me like a Shepherd does in Psalm23.

One day, I woke up with full of joy and peace in my heart that I spoke to Him.

These were my words.

"Jesus, thank You for being so patient with me all these years. Even if I suck it big time, even if I know I have hurt you, still you continue to pour out your love on me. I just wanna let You know that now, I appreciate what you have been doing to me Lord. So let me repay you. ( i know you will say, I don't need to do anything. Faith is enough. But No Lord. I'm gonna do this for you because I love you. And this time, I wanna make it right with you )

So, after a week or so.

I found myself so in love with Jesus. Super in love.

So in love that I even committed and decided
to Him that I will stop my old ways.

Must be spirit working in me huh?

I believe so.


Now, I'm gonna walk with God.

I have offered my body and spirit to Him
simply because, I am a new creation in Him.

My sins and old ways are washed away by His blood.

True enough,
He has took out all my longings for a same-sex relationship.

Now, everytime I see a beautiful woman ,
It doesn't trigger it already.

I will just say,"Hey Lord, You have such an amazing creation, i hope she gets saved. 😀"

There you go!

My journey as a Christian was God's proven character that He is a very patient God. And that He loves us so.

He never abandons someone who keeps on calling unto Him no matter what his current situation is. No matter what his/her current bondage or struggle is whether pornography, Homosexuality, sorcerers etc.

He is always there changing, transforming us from the inside out so in time, He can use us to help advance His kingdom.

Now, I realised that being a Christian is a commitment.

I cannot love God and still continue to do my old ways. My old self is gone. By Jesus' sacrifice at the cross , I am made new!

He has been faithful to me. And love me so.
So now, it's time to love Him back.

Although , I can't say that I will be perfect in loving Him, but He will be my guidance and strength in this journey.

"So now there is no more condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus,
And because you belong to Him,
The power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death."

Romans 8:1

Like if you love someone in this world,
your goal is to please and love that person back faithfully.

So it works almost the same thing with loving God. The difference is that, God is just the ever-patient partner. Always waiting and waiting for you to come back to Him.

Apologies if I am running out of time for now.

Just so you know , my testimony doesn't end here.

This is just the beginning and will keep you posted.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, May 1, 2017

Depend On God’s Unmerited Favor, Not Favoritism by Joseph Prince

Depend On God’s Unmerited Favor, Not Favoritism

There is a significant difference between God’s unmerited favor and favoritism. God’s unmerited favor is based entirely on Jesus’ merit, and we received it through His finished work at the cross. We did nothing to deserve His favor. It is completely unmerited. Favoritism, however, stinks of self-effort. Individuals who rely on favoritism for promotion resort to apple-polishing, office politics, manipulative tactics, backstabbing and all kinds of compromises just to get what they want.

God has a higher and better way for you. It hurts Him to see His precious children groveling like sycophants just to get ahead in life. If a door closes, so be it! Believe with full confidence that God has a better way for you. You don’t have to depend on favoritism to succeed when you have God’s unmerited favor!

That was how Joseph operated. He depended on the Lord for his success. When Potiphar’s wife kept trying to seduce him to sleep with her, Joseph stood his ground on the firm foundation of God’s unmerited favor. He didn’t go for favoritism by doing what his boss’ wife wanted.

Beloved, like Joseph, know and rejoice that it is the Lord who is the source of your blessings and success. You don’t have to resort to trying to win the favor of significant people in your life. It is the Lord’s favor on you that sets you up for recognition, promotion and increase!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Saturday, April 29, 2017

POWERFUL Moment with Nick Vujicic

If your heart is weary and crying out for redemption, restoration and in need of a savior...

JESUS is always your answer.

Watch and prepare to embrace this amazing truth with Nick Vujicic

The guy without limbs but living an amazing life as what God promised.

Practice Jesus' Presence and Smell Like Him

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.

Practice Jesus' Presence And 'Smell' Like Him

Have you ever been in a room filled with cigarette smoke? Perhaps you were in a small restaurant and there were a number of people puffing away. The whole place was smoky and your hair and clothes soon began to smell of smoke. And even after you left the restaurant, you still smelled of smoke!

In the same way, you cannot spend time in the presence of the Lord without His glory, His majesty, His beauty, His power, His love and His peace rubbing off on you. You will begin to "smell" like Jesus, be bold like Him and be filled with peace like Him! No wonder Acts 4:13 records this about Peter and John: "Now when they [the rulers and elders of Israel] saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus."

Beloved, practice the presence of the Lord wherever you are. Talk to Him. Spend time with Him. You will experience the undeniable evidence of His presence in your life!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Problems are Temporary

Let your problems build your spirit up.
We all have problems from all sorts of kinds based on lifestyles , or beliefs etc.

You see.

I have never encountered someone whom is free of any problem.

The point is , how you are dealing with that problem.

I, too have my own problems. But I just don't magnify them in my life.

I choose to magnify Jesus in my life instead.

So if you are, by chance been following my Facebook, (

My walls is filled with God's goodness, fun and positivities.

Because problems are temporary.

When God says, "He will never leave you nor forsake you!"

You should believe Him.

Because He is not a liar.

I believed Him.

I will always believe Him.

Even if sometimes the feeling is not there,
(Cuz I am only human)

I still end up believing in Him.

Because He is My Abba , Father!

Enjoy today's devotional from #JesusCalling.

It has blessed me.

I am sure it will bless you too!

Let Your Problems Lift You Up

So we do not give up. Our physical body is becoming older and weaker, but our spirit inside us is made new every day.

—2 Corinthians 4:16 (ICB)

When a problem pops up in your life, be glad. It isn’t just a problem. It’s a chance to see things from My point of view.

A problem gives you two choices. You can get upset and throw a fit, which will take you down into a pit of feeling sorry for yourself. Or you can see the problem as a ladder, a chance to climb up into My Presence. There, in the Light of My Presence, you can see your problem as I see it—a temporary thing that will go away in time. You may even learn something from it.

This world will tell you that problems bring you down and make you weaker. But I say, problems are a chance for you to be lifted up and made stronger.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Partake Of His Life By Joseph Prince

I feel God just talked to me right now.

In Jesus, You and I are SURELY (not maybe)
are the healed!!!

Let us praise Him!

God...shares with us the life of His Son and our Master Jesus. He will never give up on you. Never forget that.
1 Corinthians 1:9, THE MESSAGE
Partake Of His Life
By Joseph Prince

Make no mistake: Jesus is the purest form of life, and He has called us to share intimately with Him this incredible God-kind of life. It’s a life where sicknesses and diseases have no place. And when you became a born-again believer, God qualified you to partake of this life.

Today, in the face of your symptoms, in the midst of your fears and worries, meditate on this truth and see the very life of God available and supplied to you right now. See yourself—spirit, soul and body—immersed and surrounded by the very life that fills our Lord Jesus. It will swallow up every symptom of pain, weakness and death until you are walking in its fullness!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

God Moves in Mysterious Ways

.. because You are a good, good Father...that's who You are...
You amaze me in so many ways. That's what You are.
Good, good Father.
Thank You for staying with me ALL THE WAY!

Have a blessed Thirstday Beloveds!!!
Stay hungry for Jesus!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Don’t Look Inside The Ark By Joseph Prince

Don’t Look Inside The Ark
By Joseph Prince

1 John 2:2
2And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.

In the movie, Raiders Of The Lost Ark, the people who tried to look inside the ark were struck dead. What was inside the ark that brought judgment to those who looked into it?

The Bible tells us that the ark held the two tablets of the Ten Commandments, the pot of manna and Aaron’s rod. (Hebrews 9:4) These items were tokens of man’s rebellion. The two tablets of the Ten Commandments represented man’s rejection of God’s standards. The manna represented man’s rejection of God’s provision, and Aaron’s rod, man’s rejection of God’s appointed priesthood.

God did not want to look at these tokens of rebellion. He wanted to be merciful to His people, so He instructed them to place the items in the ark and to cover the ark with its mercy seat, which is also the place where the blood of the animal sacrifices was sprinkled.

Once a year on the Day of Atonement, the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies to sprinkle on the mercy seat the blood of the animal that had been sacrificed. The two cherubim on the mercy seat stood as guardians of God’s righteousness and holiness.

Representing God’s eyes too, they looked at the blood on the mercy seat. As long as the blood was there, the entire nation of Israel was forgiven. God’s judgment passed over them and they were blessed for another year. (Leviticus 16)

Today, the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat is not the blood of bulls and goats, but the precious, eternal blood of the Son of God! (Hebrews 9:12) Jesus is our “mercy seat” for “He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world”. The word “propitiation” in the original Greek text is the same word as “mercy seat”. (Romans 3:25, Hebrews 9:5)

Beloved, God does not see your sins and count them against you because He sees His Son’s blood. He sees His Son’s perfect work that has more than satisfied Him. God does not want you to see your sins either. He does not want you to look inside the ark by focusing on your sins. He wants you to focus on Christ and His finished work!
- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Your Mind Matters To Him by Joseph Prince

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3
Your Mind Matters To Him by Joseph Prince

Doctors tell us that many of the sicknesses we suffer in our bodies are psychosomatic, meaning they are a result of mental or emotional stress that we have put ourselves under.

Perhaps you were abused or emotionally hurt by someone you trusted. Maybe you still feel angry and hurt when you think about it. Beloved, I want to encourage you to start involving Jesus. He is your answer. See the Lord holding you, gently healing your wounds. See Him restoring you, putting courage into your heart and taking away every sense of shame and guilt.

At the cross, Jesus took on Himself the bitter sting of every one of your frustrations, hurts and emotional pains when He wore the crown of thorns on your behalf (John 19:2). He did it so that you can be free from fears, depression and stress.

Today, bring the Lord into every situation of stress instead of allowing it to accumulate and affect your health. Let Jesus saturate your heart and mind with His peace and rest.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, April 13, 2017

At The CROSS [Lenten Season 2017]

At the Cross, the Divine Exchange took place.

For the first time, Jesus cried out,
"God, why have you forsaken me?"

So today, I can scream
"Abba, Father why have You so blessed me?!"

Jesus has done it all.
When He said , "it is finished!"
ALL the curses in this world that Adam brought in (death, sins, sickness, depression, frustrations, sadness, poverty, stress, struggles, brokeness, boredom, broken relationships)

Jesus took it all away and OVERPAID it all!!

Awesome Lord and Savior!!!


#PraiseJesus #JesusRocksMahWorld #HolyWeek2017 #GoodFriday #lenten #wisdom

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Monday, April 10, 2017

How You Know You Will Inherit It By Joseph Prince

How You Know You Will Inherit It
By Joseph Prince

Psalm 89:34
34My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.

When God promises you something, do you take Him at His Word? Or do you, like Abraham, ask, “Lord God, how shall I know that I will inherit it?” (Genesis 15:8)

God did not reprimand Abraham for failing to take Him at His Word. That is how gracious God is to His people. He even came down to Abraham’s level of faith and did something to assure Abraham that He would always keep His promises — He made a covenant with Abraham. (Genesis 15:9–17)

God did not do it for His own benefit. God is a God of His Word. He does not break His Word. But He bound Himself to a covenant because He knew that Abraham needed to know in his heart that God would do whatever He had promised him.

Man finds it hard to just believe words. For example, when you buy a house, a contract is drawn up and signed by both parties, and lawyers are involved. You need a contract because you cannot trust the other person’s words and he cannot trust yours either.

Likewise, we find it hard to take God at His Word. So God made a covenant with us, not because He cannot be trusted, but because He knows that we find it hard to just believe what He says. God knows that man will wonder, “What if God wakes up on the wrong side of His bed tomorrow and decides to fry me instead of bless me?”

But because God has made a new covenant with us, which is established by the blood of His Son, we can, like Abraham, not waver through unbelief regarding the promises of God, but be strengthened in our faith, being fully persuaded that God will do as He has promised. (Romans 4:20–21) We have the assurance that God will not wake up one day and say, “Forget the new covenant. I want to remember your sins now and curse you instead of bless you!”

My friend, the new covenant blessings for you are guaranteed because God has bound Himself to the covenant. And He is a covenant-keeping God who is willing and more than able to do everything He has promised you!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Place It In His Hands by Joseph Prince

Check out Joseph Prince on youtube dear friends.
I am 101% you will be blessed by His ministry just like I did. 😀

On this devo, I have learnt how Jesus' overcame the lack not by looking at the natural.
His eyes was fixed on God's abundant supply the supernatural.

So I asked Abba, to make like Jesus.
I want His attitude when faced with a lack.

I wanna see things not in the natural but through His grace and the supernatural.

Read on...

Place It In His Hands by Joseph Prince

When Jesus saw the five loaves and two little fish, unlike His disciples, He didn’t see the naturally impossible demand placed on Him—to feed 5,000 men (not counting the women and children) with a boy’s small lunch. He saw the supernatural supply in His Father’s kingdom.

The result? Not only were the people fed till they were stuffed, there were also 12 baskets full of leftovers!

My friend, are you facing a situation of insufficiency today? Perhaps you can’t find enough time to get your work done, as well as spend quality time with your family. Why not put your time in Jesus’ hands and, as with the five loaves and two little fish, allow Him to multiply it? Jesus will give you the wisdom on how best to use your time.

Try it for yourself. Bring your little to Jesus. He will multiply whatever little you place in His hands with plenty left over!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Do Not Be Afraid

If you have peace and joy in the midst of your challenges and trials,
you have arise as a VICTOR!!!

All because of what Jesus has done at the cross.
He never left us as an orphans here one earth.
When He left and went back to Heaven,
He has left us with the Holy Spirit.

So keep asking Holy Spirit to guide you always and give you peace.

That is the most and best thing that could ever happen in your walk with God.

Keep trusting Him no matter what!

You got the Lord of lords.
King of kings in your life.

Do not fear of what man or situation will do to you.


- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, April 6, 2017

God Satisfies You With Long Life By Joseph Prince

God wants you well!

Sickness and diseases are not from Him.
Jesus suffered the beatings for your wholeness, so do not let it go in vain!
By Jesus' stripes you are the healed!!!!

Meditate On

With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.
Psalm 91:16

God Satisfies You With Long Life
By Joseph Prince

God’s heart is never for you to suffer crippling illnesses, die prematurely or live a life that is miserable. Psalm 91:16 says, “With long life I will satisfy him, and show him My salvation.” That is God’s heart for you!

This means that God not only wants you to have a long life, but He also wants you to have a satisfying life that is full of His peace, provision and joy! In the verse, the word “salvation” is the Hebrew word Yeshua, the name of Jesus. So God will satisfy you with a long life that is full of Jesus and His grace!

Beloved, chronic illness, depression and a short life are not, and will never be, part of God’s plan for you. He wants you to experience a long, full life in which you walk in all the blessings of health, wholeness and provision that He has given you through Jesus!

Today, see the provision that Jesus made at the cross to redeem you from every curse of sickness and lack. Give Him thanks and step into His provision of a satisfying and fruitful life full of health, strength, peace and joy!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

The Divine Exchange by Joseph Prince

The Divine Exchange by Joseph Prince

The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 8:9 that for our sakes Jesus became poor so that we through His poverty might be made rich. At the cross, Jesus took on all our sin and poverty. He was humiliated, spat upon and stripped naked. The Roman soldiers even gambled for His clothes.

The One who fed more than 5,000 people, gave fishermen a net-breaking, boat-sinking load of fish, and who placed the gold, diamonds and rubies in the earth, took your place of poverty at the cross, just so that you can take His place of abundance. A divine exchange occurred at Calvary—your sin for His righteousness and your poverty for His provision.

My friend, Jesus is the reason you can be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. He is the reason you can be blessed to be a blessing. Put your trust in His presence in your life and what His finished work has accomplished for you!

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Reign in Life by Joseph Prince Day 4 Devotional

I am on Day 4 now with Joseph Prince'
"Reign in Life" book.

I highly recommend this to help you strengthen your faith in Jesus and get to know Him more.

Sharing Day4 reading.

- feed your FAITH and your doubts will starve -

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Your Answer Is In His Word by Joseph Prince

Your Answer Is In His Word by Joseph Prince

Proverbs 4:20–22
20My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. 21Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; 22for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.

God has given us a sure way to receive the answers to our problems and challenges. It is His Word. Every answer or solution we need is found in the Bible.

Yet, many Christians are not walking victoriously in certain areas of their lives. This is because the devil continuously wages a war of distraction against them. He has managed to take them away from the one thing that can bring them victory — the Word. He will do everything possible to prevent them from opening the Bible because he knows that the Word will deliver them.

The distraction can be very subtle: A lot of things to get done, a lot of TV programs that interest you, or it may take the form of a big problem that makes you feel that you need to focus all your attention on it. The enemy knows that if he can get you to take your eyes off the Word of God, he can keep you from winning the battle.

When you are going through a tough time, it is not enough to know that God’s answer to the problem is “somewhere in the Bible”. Find the scripture in which God has promised the solution. Meditate on it until the truth of that scripture is revealed to you. When you do this, no demon or devil can prevent that word from God from bearing fruit in your life.

Even Jesus Himself used the Word to defeat the devil in the wilderness — “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4) The way to defeat the enemy is with “It is written...”

My friend, there is no substitute for the written Word. God tells us that we will find life and health if we give our attention to His Word and keep it in the midst of our hearts. So get into the Word and let God’s promises abide in you

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Glorious And Beautiful | New Creation Worship

Sharing one of my fave worship songs in our church New Creation Singapore.

Be blessed.

Kari Jobe - Forever (Live)

I love to worship the Lord by listening to praise and worship songs that glorify Him.

Let's worship Him now and feel His amazing peace within.

❤❤❤ 10 Grace Songs Help You Grow Deeper Your Faith and Have More Relationship With Jesus

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Receive By Grace Through Faith by Joseph Prince

Daily Devotional

Receive By Grace Through Faith by Joseph Prince

Galatians 3:5
5Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?...

Imagine that you are at a healing service. An alcoholic walks into the church reeking of alcohol. He sits behind the pianist, a nice elderly lady who has been serving in the church for 50 years. Both of them are suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The healing power of God is present. In an instant, the alcoholic, who has never been in church before, gets healed. The pianist does not.

Most people, on hearing stories like this, would get upset and confused. They might ask, “Shouldn’t God heal this nice, old lady who has been serving Him faithfully all these years, and not that debauched drunkard?” You see, many people still believe that God heals only the deserving.

But that is not how God works. God looks at faith, not works. His power is made manifest in those who trust His goodness instead of their good behaviour. So if we go back to the above example, God wants to heal both the alcoholic and the nice elderly pianist. All they need to do is to receive by grace, or unmerited favour, through faith.

You see, we cannot earn the blessings of God. We receive them by believing God’s love and grace toward us. If we receive the greatest blessing — salvation — by simply believing that Jesus did it all for us and not by working for it, what makes us think that the other lesser blessings can be obtained by our works?

So if my daughter Jessica falls sick, I don’t go to the Father and say, “Father, heal my daughter because I am Pastor Joseph Prince and I preach healing to the people.” No, I go to Him by the blood of Jesus and say, “Father, I thank You that 2,000 years ago, Jesus bore Jessica’s sickness in His body. On that basis alone and by Your grace, I pronounce her healed in Jesus’ name.”

When you simply believe that you receive your blessings based on Jesus’ finished work and by His grace alone, you will receive your blessings!

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Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blessed With Good Success To Be A Blessing by Joseph Prince

The more you are attack with lies from the enemy,
the more negative things come filling up your mind and stressing you out...
Read more of this.
So you can still amidst all your problems and let God be god in your life!

will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.
Genesis 12:2
Blessed With Good Success To Be A Blessing by Joseph Prince

When God called Abraham, He said to him, “...I will bless you... and you shall be a blessing.” We who are new covenant believers in Christ are called the seed of Abraham (Galatians 3:29), and like Abraham, we are called to be a blessing.

Now, how can we be a blessing if we are not blessed in the first place? How can we be a blessing to others when we are always flat on our backs with sickness, living from hand to mouth, never having enough for our own family and always having to borrow from others?

No way, my friend. God wants you healthy and strong, and He wants you to have more than enough financially so that you can be generous with your relatives, friends, community or anyone who needs help. He wants to bless you so that you can, like Abraham, be a blessing to many!

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Friday, March 24, 2017

The King Is Not Angry With You By Joseph Prince

The King Is Not Angry With You
By Joseph Prince

Proverbs 19:12
12The king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion, but his favor is like dew on the grass.

The Bible tells us that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) But have you ever wondered why he acts like a roaring lion?

It has something to do with a lion’s roar. In the Bible, the roaring of a lion speaks of the king’s wrath — “The king’s wrath is like the roaring of a lion”. So when the devil walks about like a roaring lion, he is trying to give you the impression that the King is angry with you. And when you believe that God is angry with you, the devil knows that he has got you.

When you think that God is angry or displeased with you, you will not be confident of His love toward you. Instead, you will expect and fear punishment from Him. And you will want to stay away from Him because you do not wish to incur His wrath any further.

But the truth is that God is not angry with you, even when you fail or blow it, because all your sins have already been judged in the body of His Son at the cross. As the Lamb of God, Jesus became your burnt offering. That is why He said, “I thirst.” (John 19:28)

Those who heard Him say that at Calvary that day thought that His thirst was physical. Actually, His thirst was spiritual because He was being “burnt” by the fire of God’s wrath. He was being judged for our sins. His body exhausted all of God’s wrath until every claim of God’s holiness was satisfied and His wrath appeased!

Now, there is a law called “the law of double jeopardy”, which states that the same crime cannot be tried twice. Today, the fire of God’s wrath will never fall on you as a believer because it has already fallen on His Son at the cross. He judged your sins then, but in the body of His Son.

So right now, you are not under the King’s wrath but His favour. And His favour rains down on you like dew on the grass every morning!

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God Wants You To Draw From Him By Joseph Prince

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
Mark 10:45
God Wants You To Draw From Him
By Joseph Prince

Did you know that giving to you actually brings joy to God’s heart? When you place a demand on Him—like look to Him to heal you—you let Him be God. When you draw from His fullness—His abundance of life, health and blessing—you delight Him!

When you come empty and draw from God, the One who has endless supply, you honor Him and let Him be God. You free Him to pour His abundant supply of health, wholeness and peace into your life! That’s why God wants you to come expectantly to Him for your healing and for every single one of your needs today.

So see Him ready to pour His abundance out for you. See Him rejoicing when you call upon Him. Meditate on and see His heart of love that always wants to give to you. Receive from His fullness and see your healing and answer to every need manifest!

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Wednesday, March 22, 2017

You Are Highly Favored Because Of Jesus! by Joseph Prince

to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.
Ephesians 1:6

You Are Highly Favored Because Of Jesus! by Joseph Prince

The Bible tells us that God has made us “accepted in the Beloved”. The Beloved here refers to Jesus and the word “accepted” means “given special honor” or “highly favored”.

So because you have received Jesus who is God’s Beloved, and you are found in Him, you are also God’s beloved son or daughter, deeply loved and highly favored by Him! Now, because you are highly favored by God in the Beloved, you can expect to have favor with your spouse, children, colleagues, clients and yes, even your in-laws! When you speak, people listen. When you step into a room, it lights up. Everything you touch is blessed and increased.

Beloved, as you meditate on how you are deeply loved and highly favored by your heavenly Father, expect good things to happen to you today. Expect divine protection because His favor surrounds you like a shield. Expect every need to be met by the One who highly favors you. Expect good, because you are precious in His eyes!

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

God Can Turn Your Evil Day Into Good Days By Joseph Prince

God Can Turn Your Evil Day Into Good Days
By Joseph Prince

Esther 9:22
22 rest from their enemies... sorrow to joy... mourning to a holiday...

Today, many Jews still celebrate the feast of Purim. The name Purim is derived from “the lot” which a Gentile, Haman, cast concerning the fate of the Jews when they were in Persia under King Ahasuerus.

Haman, the villain in this story in the book of Esther, hated the Jews and sought to exterminate them. He got King Ahasuerus to allow him to issue a decree to annihilate all the Jews in one day — the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar. But God used Queen Esther and her uncle Mordecai, both Jews, to turn the tables on Haman and save the Jews.

Haman was hanged on the very gallows that he had constructed for Mordecai! Then, the king allowed Queen Esther and Mordecai to issue a counter-decree to allow all the Jews to defend themselves and destroy their enemies in one day — the thirteenth day of the twelfth month of Adar!

So instead of the Jews being exterminated on that fateful day, their enemies were destroyed! God turned an evil day for the Jews into good days. He turned their mourning into rejoicing and gave them victory over their enemies.

My friend, God can do the same for you today. He only wants you to remain in your position of rest in Christ. You see, because of Jesus’ finished work at the cross, you are seated in heavenly places in Christ, far above every principality, and evil assault the devil can throw at you. (Ephesians 2:6) Just as Mordecai sat within the king’s gate, and refused to stand up and bow to Haman, let’s not “bow” to the devil by being persuaded to move from our position of rest in Christ. Don’t allow him to get you worried, frantic and doing things to save yourself.

Queen Esther was also in a position of rest before Haman was executed. (Esther 7) She was seated on a couch as Haman pleaded with her for his life. While doing so, he accidentally fell over the couch where the queen was. The king, thinking that Haman was assaulting his queen, sent him to the gallows!

Beloved, remain at rest in Christ’s finished work, and He will turn your evil day into days of rejoicing and feasting!

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Sunday, March 19, 2017

Let God Love You Instead by Joseph Prince

Let God Love You Instead by Joseph Prince

1 John 4:10
10In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

“You have to love God more! You must have more passion for God!” You have probably heard this type of preaching and may have even tried your best to love God, only to fail miserably.

But what is the true definition of love? Let the Bible define it for us: “... this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us...” Yes, it is not about our love for Him, but His love for us!

“Pastor Prince, the Bible says that you must love God with all your heart, soul and strength!”

Yes, that is true according to the law (Deuteronomy 6:5), and even Jesus taught that as the great commandment when He walked on earth. (Matthew 22:37) But that was before He died on the cross. At the cross, He became the very fulfilment of this law for us when He loved us with all His heart, soul and strength, by laying down His body and life on the cross for us.

Today, we are no longer under the law but under grace. And grace tells us that God loves us, not that we love God. Yet, we will love Him when we see how much He loves us. The Bible says that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:8) That’s how much He loves us!

Beloved, God has seen you trying your best to love Him. And because He loves you, He wants you to sit down and be still, and let Him love you instead. He wants to love you with all that He is and all that He has. He loves you unconditionally regardless of who you are or what you have done because His love is not dependent on you but on Himself. He will never stop loving you.

So let God love you today. Don’t worry about loving Him. The more of His love you receive, the more you will fall in love with Him!

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Nothing Shall By Any Means Hurt You! By Joseph Prince

Nothing Shall By Any Means Hurt You!
By Joseph Prince

Luke 10:19
19Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Years ago, while travelling on a domestic flight in the United States, I was seated next to a woman whose whole body was tense with fear. Concerned, I asked if I could help her in any way. Between sobs, she told me about her fear of flying. I told her, “Don’t worry. I am on board. Nothing will happen to the plane.” I did not say it with pride. I said it knowing that the Lord was on board the plane with me and that I would have a safe journey because He has promised that “nothing shall by any means hurt you”.

Once, when Jesus was in the boat with his disciples, He told them, “Let us cross over to the other side.” (Mark 4:35) Believing that they would cross over to the other side, He fell asleep in the stern. A great storm arose, but it could not rouse Him from His sleep, only the cries of His terrified disciples did. They had forgotten what Jesus had said about them crossing over to the other side. They had also forgotten that with Jesus in the boat with them, there was no possibility of them going down. Nothing could by any means hurt them because Jesus was with them.

Even being thrown into a fiery furnace could not hurt three young Hebrew men because they believed that God would deliver them. They had proclaimed to the heathen King Nebuchadnezzar, “... our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king.” (Daniel 3:17) And in the midst of their fiery trial, their deliverer not only walked with them in the fire, He also delivered them from all harm. King Nebuchadnezzar even said, “Look! I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire; and they are not hurt, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.” (Daniel 3:25)

Beloved, in the midst of your storm or fiery trial, because Jesus is with you, nothing shall by any means hurt you!

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Tuesday, March 14, 2017

God’s Superabounding Grace For You by Joseph Prince

God’s Superabounding Grace For You
by Joseph Prince

2 Corinthians 9:8
8And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

If you were in the same synagogue as the man with the withered hand (Luke 6:6–11), how would you see him and what do you think you would say to him?

Jesus was preaching in that synagogue when He saw the man with the withered hand. But He also saw superabounding grace around that hand for healing and wholeness. He sees differently from us. He sees the invisible. He sees that the kingdom of God is here, ever-present in any situation, with superabundant supply. We see only the visible, which is tangible, temporal and which seems so real to us.

But Jesus saw superabounding grace on that withered hand for healing because you do not tell a man with a withered hand, “Stretch out your hand,” unless you see the supply, the superabundance for wholeness for that hand. Jesus called forth the superabounding grace to envelop that man’s withered hand, and the hand was made whole.

It is possible for someone who is sick to have superabounding grace on him and yet that superabundance of grace does not heal his body. That is because he keeps acknowledging the lack or the problem he sees. He is more concerned with that which is visible and temporal.

Instead of calling forth, and acknowledging and confessing the superabundance of God’s grace, he confesses his negative circumstance all the time. So even though the superabounding grace is there, it is there in vain. Isn’t that sad?

Jesus called forth life, and life sprang into visibility. We must call forth what we want to see. Say, “Father, I thank You that right now, though my health is under attack, there is superabounding grace available for my healing and health. I call it forth and receive it now in Jesus’ name. Amen!”

My friend, don’t be conscious of what you see lacking or missing. Be conscious of God’s superabounding grace for you and avail yourself of it!

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Monday, March 13, 2017

Redeemed From Every Type Of Sickness By Joseph Prince

Redeemed From Every Type Of Sickness
By Joseph Prince

Galatians 3:13
13Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”),

The One who cleansed lepers, opened blind eyes and made the lame to walk took your sins, sicknesses and every curse when He hung on Calvary’s tree. The curses that were meant for you because of your sins fell on Him instead. He was cursed in your place to redeem you from every curse that comes as a result of breaking God’s laws.

What are these curses? They are listed in Deuteronomy 28. It is a long and detailed list. Don’t get frightened when you read the curses, but rejoice because Christ has redeemed you from every single one of them, including those curses of sicknesses!

Are you stricken with tuberculosis, fever or inflammation? (Deuteronomy 28:22) Christ has redeemed you from every one of these conditions!

Do you have painful boils, tumours or an itch which doctors say cannot be healed? (Deuteronomy 28:27) Christ has redeemed you from every one of these conditions!

Perhaps yours is a serious and prolonged sickness. (Deuteronomy 28:59) It doesn’t matter. Christ has redeemed you from every prolonged sickness!

“Well, Pastor Prince, you have covered tuberculosis, fever, itch... but what about my disease? It is not covered in Deuteronomy 28. Did Jesus forget my disease?”

No, His work is perfect! Look at Deuteronomy 28:61: “Also every sickness and every plague, which is not written in this Book of the Law, will the Lord bring upon you until you are destroyed.” That covers everything. So if Christ has redeemed you from this curse, then He has redeemed you from every type of sickness! I don’t care what new type of sickness the world discovers because Christ has redeemed us from every type of sickness!

Now, if you have a particular sickness, say, “This (name the sickness) is part of the curse of the law. But Galatians 3:13 says that Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the law. Therefore, I have been redeemed from (name the sickness)!” Believe and confess that every day, and as surely as Jesus took every curse of sickness, your healing will break forth!

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Saturday, March 11, 2017

How Do You See God? By Joseph Prince

How Do You See God? By Joseph Prince

Luke 7:9
9When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him, and turned around and said to the crowd that followed Him, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

The way you see Jesus, the revelation that you have of Him, will not affect God’s acceptance of you. But it will affect your acceptance of what God has for you. It will affect how you receive from Him.

Consider the Roman centurion who told Jesus, “You don’t have to come to my house. Just speak the word and my servant at home will be healed.” (Luke 7:6–7) Compare him with Jairus, the ruler of a synagogue, who told Jesus, “My daughter is dying. Please come to my house and lay Your hands on her, and she shall live.” (Mark 5:22–23)

Do you know that Jesus does not have to go to your house to heal you? So why did Jesus follow Jairus to his house? Jesus had to come down to Jairus’ level of faith. Jairus believed that his daughter could be healed, but only if Jesus came and laid His hands on her.

The centurion was different. He said, “Lord, You don’t have to come to my house. I know who You are.” This centurion believed that Jesus did not have to come to his house for his servant to be healed. He believed that Jesus only needed to speak the word. He said to Jesus, “Just speak the word and my servant at home will be healed.”

Do you know who Jesus is? The centurion had a greater understanding of who Jesus is than Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, and he wasn’t even a Jew!

Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith?” (Mark 4:40) He even remarked, “O you of little faith.” (Matthew 6:30) But to the woman whose daughter was demon-possessed, He said, “O woman, great is your faith!” (Matthew 15:28) And to the centurion, He declared, “I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

My desire is for you to have an accurate understanding of who Jesus is because when your revelation of Jesus is big, you will know what has been freely given to you. And when you know what is yours in Christ Jesus, you will be blessed in all things!

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Simon Cowell Made Fun of This Gospel Singer - Then Everyone is Blown Away

Monday, March 6, 2017

I DecidedTo Follow Jesus (My Water Baptism 4 Mar 2017)

#MyChristianDiary ep 33

So I just had my Water Baptism last Sat.
4 Mar 2017.
I have been a Christian for 9 years but was only
able to grasp the real meaning of Water Baptism recently.

(Must be the Holy Spirit poking me? )

Our pastor just said, "it doesn't matter if you've been a christian for 10 yrs or 20 yrs before you decided to get baptised . Important thing is the "Now" and you have boldy taken that step to declare publicly your faith in Jesus !"

I said "Wow!That message is for me!"


This is it!

I wanna tell the whole world about Jesus.

I am so filled with His love, joy and peace that I just wanna pay Him back.
Although He really didn't ask for it.
I say, this one is effortless.

This is worth-celebrating!

Following Jesus is a decision. And I shall not depend on my feelings anymore. Feelings just gonna deceive you. But Faith? It will take you there.

My thoughts now?

If He is gonna change me ? I shall embrace it.
But for now. ( Did I mention that I am a girl who loves girls too? Yeah. A lesbian. 😬. Do not judge me okay?) so my friends asked me,"hey, you just got baptised. So are you turning into a full grown woman now?? ")

I replied," haaah! I am not into that level yet. Honestly, I still cannot see myself wearing dress and makeups lol! But anything for Jesus, I will do and accept. If He is gonna change me. Why not.
But for now, after days of being baptised .. temptations are everywhere yeah. And it calls to be really alert.

Shall I fall into it? I don't know. But I believe, Holy spirit shall guide my heart.

So my take?

I admire lesbians, gays, homos who got changed back to whoever they are all for Jesus.
I admire their faith in Jesus and now some I know are living a peaceful , happy and blessed life.

But me?

I am just gonna enjoy my love for Jesus right now
and follow His leading. At least, now there are no longings in looking for another worldly, human intimate relationship.

My Jesus is enough.

Subscribe on my page/ blog if you wanna follow my journey. ❤😍👌

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Sunday, March 5, 2017

Your Healing Is Part Of The Deal by Joseh Prince

Your Healing Is Part Of The Deal
by Joseh Prince

If there’s one thing that God wants you to know and believe, it’s how much He loves you and is willing to heal you. How much does He love you? He was willing to give up His beloved Son Jesus—heaven’s best—for you.

Now, once you realize how much God loves Jesus, ask yourself this: If God willingly gave Jesus up for me, would He withhold healing from me?

If God withholds healing from you after He has already given you Jesus, then it would mean that your healing is greater or more important than Jesus.

No my friend, God has already given you heaven’s best. How will He not also freely give you all things, including the healing and wholeness you desire?

Whether you are trusting God to heal your body, your emotions or your relationships, catch a fresh revelation of His heart to heal you and restore to you today. Come expectantly to Him and receive wholeness in all areas of your life!

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God Is Not Judging You by Joseph Prince

God Is Not Judging You by Joseph Prince

Romans 8:33
33Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is God who justifies.

Some people see God as a judge who has exacting demands on man. When they fall short or when things go wrong in their lives, they think that God is judging them.

My friend, the truth is that if you are a believer, God does not bring any charge against you. Instead, He justifies you because of the blood of His Son. In fact, God’s Word goes on to say that the One who has the right to condemn you, chose instead to die for you and is risen at the Father’s right hand to be your righteousness! (Romans 8:34)

But what the devil tries to do is to get you to believe that God watches you with a critical eye and punishes you when you do wrong. He has deceived many sincere Christians into believing that if they have done something wrong, bad things have a right to come upon them and their families. And when these things happen, he convinces them that they are suffering God’s judgment because of their wrongdoings. In the meantime, these sincere Christians struggle with condemnation because they think that they are the cause of their problems.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Ever since the cross, where Jesus was judged in your place for every one of your wrong actions, thoughts and words, God no longer judges you, His child. You need not accept condemnation because Jesus took all your punishment at the cross.

So when you start to feel condemned for your actions or when you experience negative circumstances, say, “It is written: It is God who justifies me. I am completely forgiven and made righteous before Him. I refuse to accept any condemnation and I reject every symptom of the curse that I am seeing in my circumstances!”

Then, simply stand on the truth of God’s Word, and watch Him deliver and bless you!

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My Life With Jesus...